362. 12/31/21: Where We Are, Where We Will Be
361. 12/30/21: New Year’s Eve Eve
360. 12/22/21: 2:30 a.m.
359. 12/28/21: And it’s Raining
358. 12/27/21: Be Careful What You Ask For
357. 12/26/21: Bleak Day
356. 12/26/21: A Holiday Letter to a Neighbor
355. 12/24/21: Looking in on the Inner Circle
354. 12/23/21: Hope?
353. 12/22/21: Shadow’s dog blog: Let there more Light
352. 12/21/21: Solstice
351. 12/20/21: Light and Dark
350. 12/19/21: Solstice Plateau
349. 12/18/21: Light Years
348. 12/17/21: One Day to the Next
347. 12/16/21: Lining Up One’s Ducks
346. 12/15/21: Accidents?
345. 12/14/21: Energy Suck
344. 12/13/21: What we Talk about when we talk about Cold
343. 12/12/21: On the Most Beautiful of Days
342. 12/11/21: An Up and Down Day
341. 12/10/21: Heart of Darkness
340. 12/9/21: The Bright Lights Book Project
339. 12/8/21: Horses as Companion Animals
338. 12/7/21: Temperatures Rise, Snow Falls
337. 12/6/21: Climate Change?
336. 12/5/21: Seeing the Light
335. 12/4/21: Deep in Thought
334. 12/3/21: A Conversation with Ryder
333. 12/2/21: My Parents Legacy
331. 11/30/21: Fast Forward
11/29/21: A Conversation with Sastrugi
329. 11/28/21: Moving in Slow Motion
328. 11/27/21: Another Ice Age is Upon Us
327. 11/26/21: The Dark Ages
326. 11/25/21: Cold Weather is Okay
325. 11/24/21: Giving Thanks, Year Around
324. 11/23/21: Regrouping
323. 11/22/21: The Dark Side
322. 11/21/21: A Conversation with Raudi
321. 11/20/21: Up and Down
320. 11/19/21: Chilly Scenes of Winter
319. 11/18/21: Traipsing Down Memory Lane
318. 11/17/21: Ho Hum
317. 11/16/21: Biting off More than I can Chew
316. 11/15/21: The Book Project: An Amazing Partnership
315. 11/14/21: Northern Breed Ponies
314. 11/13/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog: ‘Gility Today
313. 11/12/21: Where do Flies go in the Winter?
312. 11/11/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog
311. 11/10/21: Up, up, and Away
310. 11/9/21: Sounding like a broken record
309. 11/8/21: Early Risers
308. 11/7/21: The Eye of the Storm
307. 11/6/21: A Conversation with Hrimfara
306. 11/5/21: Up and Down
305. 11/4/21: The Best and the Worst
304. 11/3/21: My Two Personas
303. 11/2/21: Overcast
302. 11/1/21: The Darkness Closes In
301. 10/31/21: October 32, 2021
300. 10/30/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog: Hollow Weenies
299. 10/29/21: Winter is Here
298. 10/28/21: Night Outings
297. 10/27/21: The Fourth Dimension
296. 10/26/21: The March of the Molars
295. 10/25/21: Tinni, Retired
294. 10/24/21: The Ponies have a Field Day
293. 10/23/21: Sort Baby Sort
292. 10/22/21: Rise and Shine, Shine, and Rise
291. 10/21/21: Who da thunk it?
290. 10/20/21: The Eye of the Storm
289. 10/19/21: Backwards Thinking
288. 10/18/21: Abundance and Scarcity
287. 10/17/21: Glum
286. 10/16/21: What the Future Holds
285. 10/15/21: Mid-month
284. 10/14/21: A Conversation with Sassy
283. 10/13/21: Just Build it, Damnit
282. 10/12/21: Sensory Overload
281. 10/11/21: Build It
10/10/21: Watching the Days Go By
279. 10/9/21: Sodden Ground
278. 10/8/21: The Second Person
277. 10/7/21: Bad Palmer Senior Center Ju Ju
276. 10/6/21: Under the Weather, Again
275. 10/5/21: A Glum Day at the Palmer Senior Center
274. 10/4/21: Books and Bookcases
273. 10/3/21: The Last Day of Good Weather this Fall
10/2/21: Where did that Dispatch Go?
271. 10/1/21: The First of the Month: Goodbye Geese
270. 9/30/21: The End of the Month Club
269. 9/29/21: Another Conversation with Tyra
268. 9/28/21: Farmer Alys
267. 9/27/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog: No Longer Newcomer
266. 9/26/21: Prior to Winter
265. 9/25/21: End of Hunting Season
264. 9/24/21:
A Conversation with Sastrugi
263. 9/23/21: Blustery
262. 9/22/21: Autumn
261. 9/21/21: On the Anniversary of my Father’s Death
260. 9/20/21: The Path
259. 9/19/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog: New Animal
258. 9/18/21: Books, Books, and More Books
257. 9/17/21: Birthday
9/16/21: Click Your Heels Together Three Times
255. 9/15/21: Mid-Month
254. 9/14/21: A Long Pause
253. 9/13/21: Build it and they will Come
252. 9/12/21: The Chicken Coop Blues
251. 9/11/21: Envision Growth
9/10/21: Abundance: The Story Continues
249. 9/9/21:Organization and Memory
248. 9/8/21: And at the day’s end
247. 9/7/21: Build it and they Will Come
246. 9/6/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog
245. 9/5/21: What (more) to do on a rainy day
244. 9/4/21: Wear Your Helmet, Damn it
243. 9/3/21: Home on the Range
242. 9/2/21: Affirmation
241. 9/1/21: My Yearly Rant:Hunting Season
240. 8/31/21: Small Things are Big Things
239. 8/30/21: Dog and Pony Show Continues
238. 8/29/21: Home again, Home again
237. 8/28/21: Like Clockwork
236. 8/27/21: Road Trip Coming Up
235. 8/26/21: Sending Love out into the World
234. 8/25/21: Roundabout
233. 8/24/21: A Conversation with Tyra
232. 8/23/21: Sorting through Theology Books
231. 8/22/21: What to say about the passing of a ...
230. 8/20/21: End of Summer/Beginning of Autumn
229. 8/19/21: One Thing Missing
228. 8/18/21: Have I got a Story for You
227. 8/17/21: Keep ‘er going
226. 8/16/21: Swimming Against the Tide
225. 8/15/21: Will Wonders Ever Cease
224. 8/14/21: Running out of Words
223. 8/13/21: The Elements
222. 8/12/21: Among Friends
221. 8/11/21: A letter to a Neighbor
220. 8/10/21: And at the end of a Long Day
219. 8/9/21: Focusing on the Positive
218. 8/8/21: Serious Rain
217. 8/7/21: Pulling a Hat out of my Rabbit
216. 8/6/21: Hrimmi has a conversation with Alys
215. 8/5/21: Moving in Slow Motion
214. 8/4/21: The Seemingly Ordinary Events of the Day
213. 8/3/21: Abundance
212. 8/2/21: Son of Heatwave
211. 8/1/21: Heatwave
210. 7/31/21: Goodbye July
209. 7/30/21: Things we Take for Granted
208. 7/29/21: A Conversation with Tyra: Goodbye Pat
207. 7/28/21: Poop
206. 7/27/21: Lessons Learned
205. 7/26/21: Chi Gong
204. 7/25/21: Forward Ho
203. 7/24/21: Overcast
202. 7/23/21: Book Sorting 101
201. 7/22/21: It is Who You Know
200. 7/21/21: On Your Mark, Get Set. . .
199. 7/20/21: A Wealth of Knowledge
198. 7/19/21: The End Times
197. 7/18/21: Rain in the Forecast
196. 7/17/21: Lost Momentum
195. 7/16/21: Tyra and Tinni Converse
194. 7/15/21: Just Another Day
193. 7/14/21:Veterinarian Appointment
192. 7/13/21: The Bright Lights Dog and Pony Show
191.7/11/21: The Dog and Pony Show Extravaganza
190. 7/10/21: The Story Continues
189. 7/9/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog
188. 7/8/21: Hey You!
187. 7/7/21: Go, go, go
186. 7/6/21: Weathering the Storm
185. 7/5/21: Together thirty-five years
184. 7/4/21: Independence Day???
183. 7/3/21:Ryder Continues to Provide Input
182. 7/2/21: A Dog’s Life
181. 7/1/21: A New Month
180. 6/30/21: An Oddly Productive Day
179. 6/29/21: What Animals Teach Us
178. 6/28/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog
177. 6/27/21: Wants and Needs
176. 6/26/21: Art on Fire
175. 6/25/21: Shadow and Ryder Converse
174. 6/24/21: Spay Day
173. 6/ 2321: Bright Lights Book Project Field Trip
172. 6/22/21: You and the Bright Lights Book Project
171. 6/21/21: Uneventful Solstice
170. 6/20/21: The Failed Fencing Project
169. 6/19/21: Early to Bed, Early to Rise. . .
168. 6/18/21: Duly Noted, Again
167. 6/17/21: Off the Grid, On the Clock
166. 6/16/21: Rain
165. 6/15/21: It’s tired and I’m getting late
164. 6/14/21: One week until the Solstice
163. 6/13/21: Summer in Full Bloom
162. 6/12/21: Pete on the Front Lines
161. 6/11/21: Milking Swamp Thing, the Goat
160. 6/10/21: Rejecting Decline
159. 6/9/21: How Ideas Evolve
158. 6/8/21: A Day in Town
157. 6/7/21: Bright Lights Shine Brightly
156. 6/6/21: Tyra and Swamp Thing Converse
155. 6/5/21: Kindred Spirits
154. 6/4/21: And on the Nicest Day of the Year
153. 6/3/21: Yo Sebastian
152. 6/2/21: Running with Horses: Accepting Decline
151. 6/1/21: June, a Simple Month
150. 5/31/21: The 1977 The Chinook
149. 5/30/21: Earthquake!
148. 5/29/21: A Conversation with Swamp Thing and Tinni
147. 5/28/21: Rain
146. 5/27/21: The Stories We Do and Don’t Tell
145. 5/26/21: The Inn Will Never Be Full
144. 5/25/21: Book-Related Conversations
143. 5/24/21: Dog Agility with Shadow, Second Skills Class
142. 5/23/21: Driving Ms. Hrimmi
141. 5/22/21: Horse Rich
140. 5/21/21: Gosh, Darn
139. 5/20/21: A Conversation with Raudi
138. 5/19/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog: I am the New Alarm Clock
137. 5/18/21: A Long-Awaited Ideas Day
136. 5/17/21: Spring, Spring, Spring and Spring Again
135. 5/16/21: See? Kayaking
134. 5/15/21: Mid-Month
133. 5/14/21: Here we go around the Mulberry Bush
132. 5/13/21: Duly Noted
131. 5/12/21: Seedlings
130. 5/11/21: Spring
129. 5/10/21: Lost Dog(s)
128. 5/9/21: Bushwhacking 101
127. 5/8/21: A Conversation with Ranger
126. 5/7/21: Stormy’s Passing
125. 5/6/21: Riding on Pete’s (hopeful) shirttails
124. 5/5/21: Hrimfara’s Ninth Birthday
123. 5/4/21: Storm(y) Watch
122. 5/3/21: Thinking, thinking
121. 5/2/21: Stormy’s Illness
120. 5/1/21: Memorable May 1, 2021
119. 4/30/21: A Conversation with Raudhetta fra Alaskastadir
118. 4/29/21: Back to Winter
117. 4/28/21: Whoosh
116. 4/27/21: “I am never going to give up shooting”
115. 4/26/21: The Bright Lights Grow Dim
114. 4/25/21: At the Day’s End
113. 4/24/21: And the Question is. . .
112. 4/23/21: The Contemplative Life
111. 4/22/21: Going the Extra Mile
110. 4/21/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog
109. 4/20/21: Going to the Dogs
108. 4/19/21: Living in the Banana Belt
107. 4/18/21: The Distribution of Labor at Squalor Holler
106. 4/17/21: Spring has Sprung
105. 4/16/21: A Conversation with Hrimfara
104. 4/15/21: Put off what you need to do Today...
103. 4/14/21: Raudhetta is now 18, Shadow is now One
102. 4/13/12: At the Day’s End
101. 4/12/21: A Conversation with Hrimmi
100. 4/11/12: When Dark Clouds Hover
99. 4/10/21:A TKO on Your Soul
98. 4/9/21: Wanted: One Hot Tub
97. 4/8/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog: More Snow
96. 4/7/21: Moving at a Slow Pace, but Moving
95. 4/6/21: A Gift Comes in the Mail
94. 4/5/21: When Work is Play and when Play is Work
93. 4/4/21: Okay, Okay, So April is the Cruelest Month
92. 4/3/21: Get that Baby Off the Ground
91. 4/2/21: A Conversation with Stormy
90. 4/1/21: A Conversation with Hrimfara fra Lough Arrow II
89. 3/30/21: The Inner Sanctum of the Inner Circle
88. 3/29/21: The Lion Continues to Roar, but less loudly
87. 3/28/21: Out and About
86. 3/27/21: Gone with the Wind
85. 3/26/21: Full Speed Ahead
84. 3/25/21: The Bright Lights Book Project Gravy Train
83. 3/24/21: More Snow on the Way
82. 3/23/21: Burning Daylight
81. 3/22/21: Windblown
80. 3/21/21: Books, Books, and more Books
79. 3/20/21: A Good Book is Hard to Find
78. 3/19/21: Horse for Sale
77. 3/18/21: Time, and Time Again
76. 3/17/21: Tenacious Winter
75. 3/16/21: No Absolutes
74. 3/15/21: Mid-March
73. 3/14/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog: Daylight Savings Time
72. 3/13/21: Failure
71. 3/12/21: The Unimportance of Routine
70. 3/11/21: Conducting the Bright Lights Symphony Orchestra
69. 3/10/21: Up, Up, and Away
68. 3/9/21: Passing of my good Friend and Horse Mentor, Susan Harris
67. 3/8/21: Why the Bright Lights Book Project?
66. 3/7/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog
65. 3/6/21: So Many Books, So Little Time
64. 3/5/21: A Conversation with Ryder and Shadow
63. 3/4/21: Lighting up the Entire Town
62. 3/3/21: A Darn Good Day
61. 3/2/21: And
60. 3/1/21: The Nitty Gritty of Livestock Ownership
59. 2/28/21: It Could have Been Otherwise
58. 2/27/21: Otherwise
57. 2/26/21: A Conversation with Stormy and Ranger
56. 2/25/21: The Mares Weigh In, Again
55. 2/24/21: Horses Being Horses
54. 2/23/21: Discipline(d)
53. 2/22/21: Still Crazy after all These Years
52. 2/21/21: A Conversation with the Mares
51. 2/20/21: Removing the Rose-Colored Glasses
50. 2/19/21: Sicker than a Dog
49. 2/18/21: Déjà vu All over Again, Again, and Again
48. 2/17/21: The Art of Keeping Occupied on the Flip Side of Winter
47. 2/16/21: Snow Day
46. 2/15/21: Going Back in Time
45. 2/14/21: First Intimations of Spring
44. 2/13/21: Going the Extra Mile
43. 2/12/21: To Rave vs to Gloat
42. 2/11/21: Write about Dogs!
41. 2/10/21:A Conversation with Stormy and Ranger
40. 2/9/21: At the Day’s End
39. 2/8/21:
Moving in Slow Motion
38. 2/7/21: That Small Window of Time
37. 2/6/21: A Conversation with Tinni
36. 2/5/21: Love and Loss
35. 2/4/21: A (heartfelt) conversation with Hrimfara fra Lough Arrow
34. 2/3/21: The Bright Lights Book Project: Having a Vision
33. 2/2/21: Wind Burn
32. 2/1/21: Blowsy
31. 1/31/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog
29. 1/29/21: A Conversation with Tinni
28. 1/28/21: Something to Gloat About
27. 1/27/21: Riding, Just Riding
26. 1/26/21: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
25. 1/25/21: Bright Lights Book Project: Growing by Leaps and. . .
24. 1/24/21: Ryder Weighs In
23. 1/23/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog
22. 1/22/21: Telling it Slant
21. 1/21/21: The Mean, Lean, Covid Vaccine
20. 1/20/21: Happy Days are Here Again
19. 1/19/21: A Conversation with Raudhetta fra Alaskastadir
18. 1/18/21: Climate Change Now a Given
17. 1/17/21: A Conversation with Tyra: Well Whatdaya Know
16. 1/16/21: A SAAB Story
15. 1/15/21: Commonalities
14. 1/14/21: What I like about Winter
13. 1/13/21: And Let there be light
12. 1/12/21: DGNPNY: The Vehicle
11. 1/11/21: Look a Book
10. 1/10/21: A Hero Ain’t Nothing but a Sandwich
9. 1/9/21: A Conversation with Hrimfara fra Lough Arrow II
8. 1/8/21: And with Lighter Hearts, We all March Forward
7. 1/7/21: Tyra and the Magpie
6. 1/6/21: The Second Coming
5. 1/5/21: Look on the Bright Side of Life
4. 1/4/21: The State of the World Address
3. 1/3/21: Raudi’s State of the Barn Address Part II
2. 1/2/21: Let there be (Bright) Light
1. 1/1/21: The State of the Farm Address