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Horse Care Introduction

I have, since moving to Alaska in 2003, taken a wide variety of animal behavior/science courses. This information has informed my thinking about horse nutrition, care, and behavior, which is why I have posted some of my course responses and essays in this section. I have also posted an essay about my goat Peaches’ digestive system. and I have a page here on several good horse organizations.

Animal Science Courses that I have taken at Mat-Su College

AGRI 213 Practical Horsemanship II
AGRI 115 Horse Behavior and Training I
AGRI 215 Horse Behavior and Training II
AGRI 194 Intro to Vet Tech
AGRI 194 Intro to Vet Tech, Lg Animal
AGRI 194 Vet Anatomy and Physiology
VTT 123 Large Animal Handling and Behavior

Siggi being prepped for teeth floating