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May 31, 2021: The 1977 The Chinook

I was getting ready to take Tinni out for our combined exercise session this morning, when I heard a vehicle down by the gate. I looked to the left. There it was, the 1977 Chinook. It was of course being driven by our friend Brian. Accompanying him was his wife Judy and their dog Kira.

I ran and opened the gate. They drove up the driveway and disembarked. We had talked via email about doing a hike someplace – I suggested that we hike here and head up the bench since our trails would be less peopled. Judy said after trying unsuccessfully to get a hold of us, that they just decided to come over.

We had a really good time. We gave them a partial tour, then hiked up the bench,

Brian and his 77 Chinook

going up Pete’s trail and down the ATV trail. Our dogs all also had a good time; although Kira was kept on a long leash because they aren’t sure what she’ll do if they let her off.

After, we sat at our picnic table and ate a late lunch. It consisted of Pete’s fresh bagels, and Judy’s guacamole and tabouli. The dogs were tied to the garden fence – they were tired, so they were quiet.

What I told them before they left is what I tell all visitors – we work hard on our place, but of course drop everything when they appear; otherwise, what’s the sense of being here and doing all this work?

It’s good to have visitors for another reason, and this is that we then see our place through their eyes. Yes, what we have done here is impressive. But at times, I do wonder if it has been worth it. This then, is when I’m seeing things through my own eyes.

Squalor Holler is somewhat hardscrabble. I sometimes turn on the water faucets and nothing comes out. This is because the generator needs to be turned on. And it has to run for a bit. Grr, grr, grr. I also sometimes get a blast of cold water when I go to take a shower. And the water is hot for 30 seconds and then goes luke warm. For years I’ve longed for a hot shower.

And the gates, some are hard to open, like the one at the base of the road and the one leading into the goat pen. Oh yes, and let’s not forget about the fact that we heat with wood – and have to at some point fill the shed again with more wood. And there are the animals and all that’s involved in caring for them. Coming right up, hay season.

Add to my woes, our washer, which is energy efficient, is not the best and is difficult to operate.

I do not tell visitors about these things. Rather, I do force myself (as I just said) to see things through their eyes. They all take it for granted, but I spend considerable time making sure that the animal pens are clean, so that the bug population remains low.

I want to get a bumper sticker that reads: More visitors, less work.

Next: 151. 6/1/21: June, a Simple Month

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