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September 8, 2021: And at the day’s end

I suspect that at the end of our lives we do a little assessment. The amount of time for this assessment may be long or short. We then ask ourselves, did I have a meaningful life, and if so, what were some of the high points? I suspect that a lot of individuals believe this to be so.

Today I got to thinking that many (myself included) do this sort of assessment at the day’s end. There is that which we intended to get done, and that which we didn’t get done. But getting things done is immaterial. What matters is this: did we do what we did in a mindful manner? And did our doing these things in a mindful manner bring us a sense of self-satisfaction?

The gang of five

I’d have to say that in this respect, today was a very good day. It was not a memorable day, but this is a moot point. I found myself thinking that I’d like more days to play out in the way this one did.

I first milked Swampy. She and I, we now are seeing eye to eye. She no longer kicks at the teat cups, which earns her lots of praise. I next cleaned the horse, goat, and chicken pens. I clean the horse pen numerous times a day. I clean the goat pens once a week. I clean the chicken pens every two weeks. I put the goat and chicken manure and soiled hay in muck buckets and five-gallon buckets, and then carted the 12-or-so loads down to the compost station. When done, I spread clean hay in the goat shed, chicken roost, and chicken coop. I felt good after because the animals I love were once again in clean environs.

There was no time to dilly dally. I took Hrimmi and the dogs out on the trails. The foliage is now red-orange and the air now has a distinctly fall smell. It brought me great joy, to see the dogs racing around. And Hrimmi was glad to be out. After, I took Tinni for a walk around the loop and on the trails. He was again Shadow’s taxi. A neighbor went by on his bicycle; neither animal paid them much mind.

I took a break from horse wrangling and picked raspberries and saskatoons. The harvest, I decided, is officially over – I’m leaving the rest for the birds. As I was picking the saskatoons, a black capped chickadee hopped about in the branches.

Back to horses – I took Raudi for a lengthy ride in Pat and Ray’s field. We followed the ATV trail and also did some bush wacking. The brush was taller than Raudi. I couldn’t find the bridge that leads to the far side of the trail, so I went the opposite way in search of it. Raudi found it. I rewarded her copiously with lots of treats.

By now it was late. I did get Tyra out – darkness now comes early. She again did really well – I will take her where I took Raudi in the next few days. After all, she’s the one who loves to go on adventures.

The day concluded the way it began -- I first cleaned the horse pen and then milked the goat. Yep, at this day’s end, I did indeed feel a strong sense of self-satisfaction.

Next: 249. 9/9/21:Organization and Memory

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