I’d have to say that in this respect, today was a very good day. It was not a memorable day, but this is a moot point. I found myself thinking that I’d like more days to play out in the way this one did.
I first milked Swampy. She and I, we now are seeing eye to eye. She no longer kicks at the teat cups, which earns her lots of praise. I next cleaned the horse, goat, and chicken pens. I clean the horse pen numerous times a day. I clean the goat pens once a week. I clean the chicken pens every two weeks. I put the goat and chicken manure and soiled hay in muck buckets and five-gallon buckets, and then carted the 12-or-so loads down to the compost station. When done, I spread clean hay in the goat shed, chicken roost, and chicken coop. I felt good after because the animals I love were once again in clean environs.
There was no time to dilly dally. I took Hrimmi and the dogs out on the trails. The foliage is now red-orange and the air now has a distinctly fall smell. It brought me great joy, to see the dogs racing around. And Hrimmi was glad to be out. After, I took Tinni for a walk around the loop and on the trails. He was again Shadow’s taxi. A neighbor went by on his bicycle; neither animal paid them much mind.
I took a break from horse wrangling and picked raspberries and saskatoons. The harvest, I decided, is officially over – I’m leaving the rest for the birds. As I was picking the saskatoons, a black capped chickadee hopped about in the branches.
Back to horses – I took Raudi for a lengthy ride in Pat and Ray’s field. We followed the ATV trail and also did some bush wacking. The brush was taller than Raudi. I couldn’t find the bridge that leads to the far side of the trail, so I went the opposite way in search of it. Raudi found it. I rewarded her copiously with lots of treats.
By now it was late. I did get Tyra out – darkness now comes early. She again did really well – I will take her where I took Raudi in the next few days. After all, she’s the one who loves to go on adventures.
The day concluded the way it began -- I first cleaned the horse pen and then milked the goat. Yep, at this day’s end, I did indeed feel a strong sense of self-satisfaction.
Next: 249. 9/9/21:Organization and Memory |