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November 20, 2021: Up and Down

I’m not a big one for emotional extremes – I like things to be such that I am on a steady continuum. The analogy that comes to mind is that of the bungee jump at the Alaska State Fair. It’s great entertainment, watching those who pay good money go up, up, up, between the two poles, and then down, down, down, at times spinning wildly. The bravest of all will elect to spin the chair intentionally. I enjoy watching this, although the thought of me paying big money to do the same is unfathomable.

I wish right now I could be a spectator of my own life, but sad to say, I am in the thick of it. I just hope the ride ends soon. Today, the Palmer Festival of the Books. Overall, it went well. The volunteers did an incredible job reading from selected works. It began with Bill Schmidtkunz reading from his own work; this was at 10 a.m. and ended at 4:30 p.m. with Hillary Saffron reading from a kid’s book she picked up off the table after entering the Turkey Red Banquet room.

In between we heard from seven other readers. Milena and I talked about our partnership, and I think were quite engaging.

All agreed that we should take our show on the road, meaning to nearby towns. My thinking is that once we get our nonprofit status, that we can get a grant or two to pay for this.

Our tee shirt order came in yesterday – beautiful image and logo. I think that this makes us appear very official.

We didn’t have a lot of readers show up. But those that did, came and took books, a good thing. This included a family with three young children.

Alex, who owns Turkey Red, said that sometime, we should do this again. And also, the local newspaper reporter came and spent over an hour with us. He was totally enjoying our company.

So, yes, this event was a success.

Next: 322. 11/21/21: A Conversation with Raudi

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