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October 13, 2021: Just Build it, Damnit

Sometimes I think too hard about inconsequential things. I mainly do this between 2 and 4 a.m. I never come to terms with what’s bugging me. Instead, I merely exhaust my conscience and piss off my subconscious. Sometimes my subconscious works overtime, and so comes up with solution to what are inconsequential problems.
I’d give anything to have one solid good night’s sleep. It hasn’t happened and it isn’t going to happen. An hour here, and hour there, I’ll take it.
So yeah, I’ve been thinking hard about the more peripatetic nature of the Bright Lights Book Project, and about a related matter, growth. I sensed that I should be content with having just a few bookcases, and not work at getting others. And, if the free book business slows, just send more books to the shredders. This way the project would continue to follow the Sophist ideal.

A building, this would ground the project. But then again, it would allow for more peripatetic type browsing. This is what I finally decided.

I first took seven boxes of books to the Alaska Bible College. I felt good about this until my friend Carol speculated that perhaps these individuals are right wingers. So maybe this was not the best place for these particularly books, all of which espouse more liberal viewpoints.

Today I, along with my friend Dorothy, was invited to our mutual friend Nan Pott’s place for tea. Neither Dorothy nor I had ever been out to her place. I suspected that she had upscale digs. I was right. She met us at the door. She was wearing a hat and a nice outfit. Oh oh. I was wearing riding breeches and Dorothy tights. We both had mud-encrusted duds.

Nan, ever gracious, did allow us in her beautiful home. She showed us her bookshelves, and also her work cabin, which is as big as our place. Everything, including, the dog ashes, were neat, tidy, and in place. And then we entered the dining area – she’d set out a buffet and three types of tea, all in tea cozies. I thought, Martha Stewart has nothing on this woman.

We sat down at a table with oh my dog, placemats – and we three ate and drank tea and talked, and talked, and talked, Nan about her upcoming role as assistant stage manager in the Beauty and the Beast, and Dorothy about her wilderness first aid courses that she’s teaching. I talked too, a lot about the book project. The energy of us three dynamic women was really spot on.

After, Dorothy gave me a lift back to town, and I resumed sorting, getting the fiction off the floor and onto the shelves. Got home, just before dark. Started to tend to the animals, then checked for phone messages.

One was from Milena. I thought the Saltchuk meeting was tomorrow. It was today. Milena said that we got the $25,000 donation, and that perhaps we could have asked for more money. Well now, build it and they will come is most apt. We got the shelves a week ago, and now we got the building.

Next: 284. 10/14/21: A Conversation with Sassy

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