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April 14, 2021: Raudhetta fra Alaskastadir is now 18, Shadow is now One

In some ways, it was a day just like any other. I spent the morning working on Bright Lights Book Project stuff. Pete assisted me in finishing a newsletter; his students are going to take a similar version and add more to it. Made me see how much progress we’ve all made since January. By we, I mean me and the volunteers.

I finished up for the day (there is always more to do), and then I went outside and cleaned the goat and chicken pens. What a mess. We are now dealing with the onset of breakup. It right now appears as though it’s going to be slow and insidious this year. There’s water here and there, but the weather is such that I seriously doubt that there is going to be a quick melt. The chicken pen – yeech, the sloped roof leaked and so the footing consisted of a lot of mud.

Pete and I talked about it – in his head he quickly put together a plan for a new coop. It is going to have a roof with clear plastic so the avians will have more light. And the height of the roof will be such that I will no longer be cramped when cleaning up after the birds.

I hauled numerous buckets and two sleds full of spent bedding down to the compost station. One was so heavy that Pete had to use a tractor in order to get the chicken slop into the station.

Alys and Raudi on Raudi's Birthday

Finally, under overcast skies, Pete first took a photo of Shadow with the number 1 on the bucket lid next to her. And then he then took a photo of Raudhetta with me holding up a bucket lid with the number 18 on it. In a short while here we will do as we do every year and look at the other 12 photos that we’ve taken over the years.

I subsequently ponied Tinni around the loop while riding Raudi, and then took Raudi for a ride to Ridge Runner. She was happier today than she’s been in a while because the footing is softer. The snow on the road has melted, so she’s no longer skittering around on ice.

All day I continued to bring to mind what I remember of this day in past years. I remember the first few years Raudi was here. She has always had to have her own way about things. Susan Harris remarked that she is “willful” – and she captured her character in an illustration that we now have hanging on our living room wall.

I learned how to deal. Raudi learned how to deal. We now pretty much see things eye to eye. Positive reinforcement seems to work. For instance, she has repeatedly refused to go to her target when I enter the pen. So today I stood outside the gate and waited for her to do as I asked. But the way she saw it, this was her idea.

I also did some agility with her. I could see her attempting to figure out what it was I wanted, which was for her to kick the ball with the front of her hoof. When she got it, we called it good.

All these years, and she remains the apple of my eye.

Next: 104. 4/15/21: Put off what you need to do Today...

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