Soon enough, Claudia came in and began talking with Alys and Pete, about me. I then understood that the reason why they brought me here was because they wanted to learn how to deal with me when I become aggressive.
Yes, a few weeks back, I did growl at a child who was petting me. Alys grew alarmed and took me into the dog training room.
So why did I growl? The child, she wasn’t at all enthused about petting me. Her mother thought that perhaps she’d like to get an Aussie like me, but no, the child has her heart set on getting a Leonberger. That’s not a food, it’s a dog. The truth be known, I don’t go for mindless petting. I want to be praised and told what a good dog I am. So I growled. I had no intention of biting the child, none at all.
The threesome spent the next hour talking about how to work with me when we are around children. It all made sense to me, that is what Claudia said. Alys and Pete, they need to be proactive, and make it so that I, with them, am approaching the child, rather than vice-versa. Alys and Pete also need to talk with the child and if need be, tell him or her to back off. This may mean stepping out in front of the child, and saying “No.”
Claudia got her dog Luce and used her as an example. We all then understood what she was getting at.
There was some talk about resuming agility. I say, hey hey, let’s get back to work.
Next: 190. 7/10/21: The Story Continues