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March 6, 2021: So Many Books, So Little Time
The Bright Lights Book Project – Saturdays are sorting days. It generally does not take more than a few hours. Bill, the Distribution and Sorting Manager, and I go at what’s on hand; today, a partially filled Gaylord and a handful of boxes, like we are kids opening Christmas presents. We are really, really fast, and now really, really efficient. And this is with our giving ourselves time to carefully examine a book or two, as we would, say, a Christmas present or two.
Today was a bit of a slog – the Gaylord held quite a bit of crap plus lots of science fiction and fantasy paperbacks. A good thing because this is going to round out the order to Nunwalek, which is going out next weekend.
There were five or so boxes of books total, destined for the distribution sites. And there were some real gems. I found a number of older high school yearbooks, which ought to do well on eBay. I also found a nice hardback copy of Frankenstein, and as well, a Copy of Horse Boy. I have a copy, but I will pass this on to someone.
And, of course, I brought home a box of books for the home library. |
I see what’s on hand most Saturdays, and I get anxious because I fear that I will end up with more books on hand than I know what to do with. This fear is slowly becoming unrealistic – the distribution sites, and particularly the Motherlode, which is the Vagabond Blues site, have been discovered by local readers, so the books are going fast. They are also leaving some books. So far, the supply has not exceeded the demand.
Back to the above title – I realized last night that I have more books here than I will be able to read in the remaining few years I have left. A very sobering thought because I would like to read them all. I could read for eight hours a day, and barely put a dent in what’s here. It’s unfair, that we are given so little time here on Planet Earth. And as a reader, I’m beginning to feel it. I don’t feel this as much as a writer because I don’t have a tangible entity here before me.
I should be systematic about what’s here. The best thing would be to categorize – read the books on certain subjects and then move on. The problem is that my mind wanders. I’m also compulsive in terms of the subject matter. I finish one book, see another, pick it up, and start reading. The two books may or may not be related in terms of their subject matter.
I also finish almost every book I start. I do have a few books on the shelves alongside our bed – I tell myself that I’ll finish them, but I don’t seem to get around to it.
I am just going to have to bite the bullet and put more of the books that are here, on the distribution shelf. Either that or move to a mansion with more shelves than I have books.
Next: 66. 3/7/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog |