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May 23, 2021: Driving Ms. Hrimmi

We talk about horses. But we don’t talk to them. And we most certainly don’t listen to what they’re often trying to tell us. Sometimes, what they have to say, thus, goes unheard. I can’t say that I always hear what my horses are trying to tell me. Once in a while I do, but then it is because they’re being insistent.

Some things, I can’t do anything about. Like the fact that my mares would like to have foals. I also can’t do anything about the fact that because they are confined in a small enclosure, that they feel stressed. When one or two are out, the stress level does drop, and so in this way I do attempt to accommodate them.

Sarah driving Hrimmi

For some time, Hrimmi, directly and indirectly, has been attempting to tell me that she would like to spend at least some of her outdoor time pulling a cart. She told me this when we were doing road rides this past winter, by picking up a steady, straight trot. And she has been telling me this more recently while out on the trail, by acting disengaged. She’s let it be known that she’s wanting to do something else by lunging for grass.

My friend Terri M. said yesterday that Hrimmi was bothered (when out on the trail) by herd dynamics. Raudi and Terri’s horse Dinni were getting along just fine. I knew that this wasn’t it.

Today, Pete and I were to go for a trail ride with others. I invited my friends Nan and Sarah along, thinking that one or the other or both would not show. But both showed up, so we had four riders and three horses. What to do? It didn’t take me long to figure out what – that is, drive Ms. Hrimmi.

I had the cart and harness out before my friend’s arrival. I figured that we three were a good match, and we were. Sarah had driving and harness experience and Nan had driven before.

We three futzed around, but finally Hrimmi was all suited up. I was very nervous because I feared that Hrimmi might suddenly get a bee in her bonnet (this is a distinct possibility because we currently have three very strong and active hives) and throw a fit. However, throwing a fit isn’t Hrimmi’s style. I did see the look of apprehension in her eyes when Pete left on Raudi. And I did see her stomp her feet when we were hooking her up. Bugs were bothering her – I swatted them away and she then calmed down.

We took her down the driveway, and then out onto the road. We did the loop road and went down Murphy Road. Hrimmi was consistent – she did not move fast, and she did not move slow. Sarah drove first, and then Nan drove. I stayed with my lovely china doll.

It was, as Pete would say, an uneventful outing. I am just so glad that I heard my horse say what it was she wanted to do.

Next: 143. 5/24/21: Dog Agility with Shadow, Second Skills Class

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