I then told Pete that in another 15 years we’ll be celebrating our 50th anniversary. Usually, when couples do this, they get their photos in the paper. It’s that momentous. I think, should we be together then, that we’ll keep it low key and do something fun, like we did today.
In the morning, I took Tyra for a lengthy outing in the Moose Meadows. Because it’s been dry, I’ve been venturing farther and farther afield. It was quite beautiful out there in the flats, and I would have gone farther, but it threatened to rain. I’m also continuing to have saddle fit problems.
So I called it good after two hours of riding; then told Pete that I was going to take Hrimmi for a ride to Grizzly Camp. Much to my surprise, he agreed to come along. So I rode Hrimmi and he rode Raudi. We took the dogs with us. I presumed that we’d go for a short ride, go up to Grizzle Camp, then return home. But when we arrived at the base of the climb, Pete said let’s keep going down the normally muddy trail.
I followed, as Pete led the way. The going was marginal. The four wheelers had torn up the trail, leaving huge ruts. It’s been so dry that we were able to ride across them without the horses going down. My heart was in my throat a few times, and also in crossing the second of two wooden bridges, put in several years ago by neighbors who moved. It was missing some planking where the horses first stepped onto it.
We moved at a good clip, taking one side trail and turning back when it began getting boggy. All the way, Pete offered directional trivia, he was familiar with this area, having spent many an hour out there on his cross-country skis and bike. The dogs seemed ecstatic, way fun for them to check out a trail they weren’t familiar with, though because they’ve been on it in the winter, they seemed to know where they were.
I suggested when we got home that we go out to dinner, to which Pete readily agreed. My thinking was that this was a celebration of sorts. I went to town first and did some book project categorizing and distributing. Pete met up with me at Turkey Red Restaurant.
I was too tired to be much of a conversationalist. Odd, but after 35 years of being with Pete, I still usually have something to say. 35 years. Where did the time go?
Next: 186. 7/6/21: Weathering the Storm |