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October 5, 2021: A Glum Day at the Palmer Senior Center

I arrived uncharacteristically early at the Palmer Senior Center this morning. I was more efficient than usual. It was overcast outside, quiet inside, there were not many people around. I unloaded some children’s books, and as I usually do, banged on the side door. Mary, Mario’s wife, opened it and let me in. We exchanged morning greetings then she told me that the senior center would be closing “because of Covid.”

I paused and let this news sink in, as, during the next hour-and-a-half, did others. I think most of us thought that, though the virus is now raging, that the show would go on.

Senior Center Library cart is delivered

This really is of little consequence to my friends Mario and Mary because they are heading to Arizona for the winter in a few days. It was of consequence to me because Mario’s birthday is October 9th. I was going to get him a cake. Instead, I picked up two free gift cards near the dish drop-off station and put my phone number in one. I put my phone number in the second one and gave it to Betty, who eats lunch with us.

I said, and I meant it, that I’ll keep in touch with them all, as well as Glenn who today took two of the boxes that Kirby (my neighbor) dropped off here, for distribution. I made it a point to show all who were interested the newspaper box with the gardening books in it. Everyone who saw it, liked it.

I suspect that the staff is having to change their plans, whatever those plans might be. They are going to have commodities and to-go lunches for the regulars, so really, seniors will still be able to visit and get food.

As for the books – I left the books on the cart and the table where they were. I figured that no one will touch them. I went to ask what I might do and got the brush off from Jackie, the activities director. So as I ate my lunch, I came up with a plan. I will appear on-site on Thursday, as always, and I will request that the books be available, preferably at the end of the commodities line. If I’m told no, I will gather up the books on the table and put the cart in the storage room. If I’m told yes, I’ll (as always) put out new books and make recommendations.

I’m bracing myself for the inevitable, which is that I am going to be told to take a hike. If so, I’ll just wait for the re-opening, whenever this might be.

I sense that there is a strong undercurrent at this place – and that it’s been there a while. Scott, who was president of the board, sort of alerted me to this. Alas, he who now has a brain tumor is out of the picture. An aside, my thinking is that this could have happened to any of us.

The most important thing right now (and this all reminded me of this) is to continue to wear a mask and to keep my distance from people.

Nex: 276. 10/6/21: Under the Weather, Again

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