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July 2, 2021: A Dog’s Life

Ryder here, taking over Shadow’s dog blog, not with her permission but without it. About time I spoke up and gave you all an idea of what’s really going on around here. The truth needs to be known, and I’m the one to tell it. It’s too bad that dogs can’t vote. I think that if they were allowed to, we’d have a bit more say politically.

Enough of politics. On the home front, things are going pretty well. A week and a day ago, Shadow was brought home from the veterinarian’s place. Pete carried her into the house. She was really out of it. She whined a bit, then slept soundly for another day and a half. What was odd was that it was so quiet around here. Alys and Pete were tiptoeing around and speaking in hushed voices. I heard them say spayed, and so I knew what was up.

Shadow is such a suck up. She would, for example, roll belly up and show them her surgical scar. The pair would then make pitying sounds. This animal is not a dog, she’s an emotional vacuum cleaner. And Alys and Pete have bought into it. This dog has more toys than the local feed store. She also gets her every whim catered to. It was never this way for me. I think it’s because A&P are starting to get soft around the mental edges.

Alys and Ryder

Today, it was as if someone threw a switch. Shadow was back to being her old self, which means that she would not leave me alone. I did play tug with her, just to take the edge off, but to no avail. Finally, Alys and Pete went trail riding and took us with them. Right now, the brush is very high along the edges of the trails, so we could not go bounding off into the brush as we usually do.

I did see Squirrely Whirley and gave chase. It just was not possible to move fast through all the underbrush. I plan to get him in the fall.

We all also saw a porcupine, one Alys said is named Mikey. Rainbow got nailed by Mikey. Actually, Mikey didn’t do anything, just stood there. Rainbow chomped into him and got a mouth full of quills. Not me. Border collies are reputed to be the smartest dogs of all, and this was proof positive of this.

Well, Alys and Pete are not even joking about parting company with Shadow. In fact, Alys has been talking about getting a litter mate of Shadow’s, from Dr. Kaiser. I was relieved to hear Pete say no and even more relieved when Alys backed off. We really don’t need another dog around here, especially a young one.

I have heard that the pair is going to get another goat, a young one named Sassy. Alys is talking about training her to carry a pack saddle and pack bags, then take her places. I’ll believe it when I see it. Or, I’ll see it when I believe it.

183. 6/3/21: Ryder Continues to Provide Input

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