Today, Pete and I went to the Willow Community Center and picked up one set of library bookshelves. There was another, but we didn’t have room in our vehicle. I later told Pete that I knew what we would be dealing with. And I was right. The three sets of shelves were in a large, brightly lit room filled with construction materials and tools. I stopped a few times and looked at the sun’s reflection on the Lake outside the window.
A fellow named Chris showed us the bookcases. He was tall, thin, had a hawk nose, a long face, a full beard, and reeked of cigarette smoke. He didn’t say much to us – Pete, who has familiarity with construction workers, and quite obviously feels at home in such sites, asked him a few questions.
W we worked in a semi-methodical fashion, putting the metal shelves in one pile, the slats that held the shelves in place in another pile, and the side pieces in still yet another pile. Then, when we had finished taking apart the shelves, we loaded the stands first, then the other parts into the truck.
We made a beeline for the Meeting House – it was a 1.5 hour drive each way. There we spent considerable time figuring out where an old desk and an existent bookcase might go. This was as we ate takeout Thai food. We did figure this out, but by then the room was in a complete state of disarray. Tomorrow I am going to have to put everything back in order. But once in order, books will have a longer meeting house shelf life.
There you go – another title for another chapter of my book – shelf life. I’m eager to get going on this.
Next: 275. 10/5/21: A Glum Day at the Palmer Senior Center |