It then struck me that all the animals were dry, warm, and seemingly content. No small feat around here because they outnumber us. And some days, it’s more chaotic, with animals wandering around and getting entangled in the food chain.
I felt good, seeing that all the animals were all in their places with bright shiny faces. As the poet Adrienne Rich once said, “a wild patience has taken me this far.”
A great line, and a truism. Swamp Thing did try my patience yesterday and a bit this morning. She has a large rotund udder and small teats, making milking difficult. And she also lets her milk down on her right side very slowly. Add to this, the duress of having to acclimate to a new home and consider the consequence, a goat that lets it be known that she is not yet physically or mentally comfortable by literally kicking the bucket.
I was impatient at first. Then, last night, I realized that if was more patient, that this would have a calming effect. So tonight, I first put a warm washcloth on her udder before milking, and I petted her and I sang some songs. I also told her several times what a good, good goat she is.
And so tonight she did not kick, until I was nearly done. This was her way of saying that she was done. Wham, her foot went into the milk bucket. No problem, I’d emptied it several times when milking because I figured this might happen.
Swampy has something to teach me. All the animals here have taught me something one time or another, and she’s no exception. Pete immediately knew that she’d be a nice addition (and he is not a big goat guy) and he was right.
Pete’s been doing the before and after milking prep work, getting buckets ready and making sure that they are clean. He’s also been putting the milk into jars and then lowering them in a bucket of ice water into the root cellar.
We are both happy to be drinking goat milk again. And some of the chickens are laying eggs, which is way better than no chickens are laying eggs, which has been the case in the past.
Tomorrow may be like today. I’d like to see the sun shine, but another day like today would be just fine.
Next: 148. 5/29/21: A Conversation with Swamp Thing and Tinni |