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October 19, 2021: Backwards Thinking

There are forward thinkers and there are backward thinkers. The forward thinkers seize hold of an idea and they run with it. And they run with an idea that’s handed to them. Backwards thinkers don’t have any good ideas of their own. And they run away from ideas that someone is attempting to hand to them.

This is the way it’s been all through history. And I suspect, if the great thinkers of the world were all gathered in one room, they’d all have stories to tell about how forward thinkers backed their ideas and how backwards thinkers rejected them.


Pete deals with a swarm on an apple tree

I have dreams, still, about not finishing my dissertation. It was not as good as it might have been because the backwards thinkers were in charge. I now understand that had they been forward thinkers, that they would have assisted me in solving what at the time seemed like an unsolvable problem – how to show the readers the path of my thinking in composing a document in which traditionally, the main idea is up front. What I ended up with was an unsuccessful, overworked document.

Ahh, but what I learned – it is now coming to the forefront of my thinking. That is, how to construct an argument in such a way as to convince others of one’s viewpoint.

I am in the thick of it, and also watching from the sidelines. The matter at hand is the ins and outs of the Bright Lights Book Project. Pete is almost single-handedly taking on the VCRS board, which has some backwards thinkers. They seem to be grousing over the fact that, I, a forward thinker, am requesting that they acknowledge that the Bright Lights Book Project is deserving of organizational recognition.

There are some who are not wanting VCRS to accept the $25,000 charitable contribution that it will soon be given. Nor are they acknowledging the fact that the money will be used to construct a portable shelter; furthermore, it is to be built by high school students. Pete is taking the bull by the horns in saying that in the long run, that their stance will be organizationally deleterious.

One of the board members called today, one who has been backing the book project. He laid out his objections. I handed the phone to Pete at the point in which I was nearly in tears. Pete then talked to him in an even-keeled tone, and further explained why accepting this donation is so important.

I was very impressed with how Pete handled this. What I learned in overhearing his conversation, and then talking with him, is that one loses ground in making their argument if they show emotion. One must simply remain cool and calm, and in this way counter objections. Me, all my life I’ve been too quick to fly off the handle.

Hearing Pete’s discussion this morning was draining, so much so that I didn’t want to deal with project matters. But hey, I kept at it. Books on the subjects of pregnancy and wellness are headed to two places in Unalaska. And the Sutton prison wants books for a library. I also have several local drop-offs to make tomorrow.

I then reminded myself that every time some takes books, that I have further solidified the goal of this project, which is to get books into the hands of readers. Yep, this is what being a forward thinker is all about.

Next: 290. 10/20/21: The Eye of the Storm

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