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July 8, 2021: Hey You!

You have resumed writing about the Bright Lights Book Project in the second person. This way, you can speculate more about the very nature of the project, in a very general way.

Today was a day in which you adhered to, then deviated from routine. You first went to the Palmer Senior Center, and in the rain, unloaded books onto your dolly. It rained for another hour, then the sun came out. You watched the weather change on the far side of large glass windows.

You are getting to know some of the lunch time regulars, who are also readers. They never seem to be tapped out on books – they always take more. As importantly, they talk about their reading-related interests. It’s gotten so that you will make recommendations to this core group.
You took a box of books of faith with you – they were as well received as the kid’s books, so next week you’ll take more. Some now grab bags and fill them up with books. This does your heart good.

Your friend Hillary came and dropped off a copy of the book she wrote, entitled Dancing in the Rain. In turn, you gave her a copy of Raudi’s Story. She also took some goat milk, a good thing because we now have so much.

Then your friend Bea showed up. She had three plastic bags full of books to pass on to you. You stood in the parking lot and talked, by this time the sun was shining, although there was still a nip in the air. You both bemoaned the fact that some, writing for the local literary rag, fail to take time to think out their ideas. As you told Bea, thoughts embody themselves in language.

Bees swarmed today

And they were put back in a box

Your next stop was the Colostomy Building, there you took the remaining books you had in DGNPNY and shelved them, there and at your three customary locations. Now, if it is so that your friend Bill stocked the bookcase in the a.m. and you got there in the p.m., then books are going really, really fast.

You put the contemporary fiction on the left-hand side of the top shelf of the bookcase. It’s impossible to categorize all the titles because things get messed up so fast, so you do a cursory sorting/organizing.

The same with the shelves at Turkey Red and the Valley Hotel.

Next, you went to the Meeting House, and after talking with Pastor Sarah Welton, moved the silent auction book boxes into DGNPNY then took them to their final destination, that is the Sutton Public Library. You did beforehand, attempt to get a few more donations, but just a few because your heart wasn’t in it. Just getting the books in the silent auction boxes, in some semblance of order, was a major feat.

Pete had gone to town to get computer printer cartridge toner. The plan is to print up sheets that will go on the outside of the box, this before next Tuesday. You were rushed because the library had to have the boxes today.

All n all, you think, it was a good day. However, you have equally high hopes for tomorrow.

Next: 189. 7/9/21: Shadow’s Dog Blog

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