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October 2, 2021: Where did that Dispatch Go?

It’s actually now October 10, 2021. Pete, who posts dispatches, and is way, way behind, just came upstairs, looked on my computer, and said that he could not find the Saturday, October 2 entry. This is odd, I know I wrote it, and I know that I sent it on to him. Such things do not get lost in cyberspace. But I must write a now more fictive dispatch.

I say that the Saturday, October 2 entry is more fictive because I can’t recall at all what I wrote on that particular day. I haven’t a clue. It is safe to say that I went to the recycling center and sorted books. Ahh, James was there – the Mat-Su College student. He told me he was born female, and named Holland, after the place. He changed his name. He told me this as I was standing in a Gaylord, on a stack of books. He walked off with some old books, and I haven’t seen him since.

On that day, I ate lunch with Bill and VCRS staff worker Terri Koch. We all had a good conversation – and we told jokes. Pete’s joke, as I recalled, went on a bit long, so I wandered off and talked with Carol, another VCRS staff worker.

The weather, I don’t recall. Did I come home and get the horses out? I don’t recall.

Fairbanks ice sculpture

It’s good to write things down in a print journal. Because things are too ephemeral when you write them on a computer. With computers, everything, including a dispatch, can vanish. Just like this day, which now is like any other day.

I suppose I could look up the weather and this would give me a clue as to what I actually did that afternoon.

To go backwards is a form of time travel. I pause. I really would like more of the particulars of that particular day. Maybe sometime the lost dispatch will reappear, and I will go ahh haa.

Wait. After leaving VCRS, I went and distributed books. I got home, and Bill S was picking up buckets of manure.

I must have cleaned the horse pen and gotten Tinni out. Taking Tinni out is always uneventful. These days I just walk and don’t ride him. His riding days are over. I think that we are both okay with this. Would I have said this on October 2nd? I do think so.

I can tell you that on October 3rd that Milena came over and that I gave her two kids horseback riding lessons. And October 1 – I wrote about it being a new month. However, October 2 remains a partial blank.

I heard about a woman who could remember everything that ever happened to her, right down to the nanosecond. This is the opposite end of the extreme that I’m dealing with here. I just want a happy medium. I just want to know what I did on October 2nd. Is this too much to ask?

Next: 273. 10/3/21: The Last Day of Good Weather this Fall

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