360. 12/31/20: Out with the Old and In with the New
359. 12/30/20: A Conversation with Shadow
358. 12/29/20: Miniscule
357. 12/28/20: Back in the Saddle Again
356. 12/27/20: Upstairs
355. 12/25/20: Mo Ho Ho
354. 12/25/20: A Conversation with Tyra, about Another day as Usual
353. 12/24/20: Christmas Eve, 2020: In the Absence of Tradition
352. 12/23/20: What kind of holiday is this, anyways?
351. 12/22/20: The Bright Lights Book Project: A Mixed Blessing
350. 12/21/20: On This, the Shortest day of the Year
349. 12/20/20: A Conversation with Tyra: All About Souls
348. 12/19/20: Bright Lights at the Darkest Time of the Year
347. 12/18/20: The White Highway, Revisited
346. 12/17/20: A Conversation with Tinni: Why Winter Weather?
345.12/16/20: Wheels Keep Turning
344. 12/15/20: Going Viral
343. 12/14/20: The Monastic Lifestyle
342. 12/13/20: The Dog and Pony Show for Real
341. 12/12/20: The Dog and Pony Show: At a Crossroads
340. 12/11/20: Are We Having Fun Yet? Part II
339. 12/10/20: Are We Having Fun Yet?
338. 12/9/20: The Dog and Pony Show: Sunset over Squalor Holler
337. 12/8/20: A Conversation with Hrimfara about Learning to Paint
12/7/20: Like Wading Through Quicksand
335. 12/6/20: Listen to Your Animals
334. 12/5/20: Dog and Pony Show/Pony and Dog Show
333. 12/4/20: Single Digit Thinking
332. 12/3/20: A Conversation with Hrimfara
331. 12/2/20: Busy, Busy, Busy
330. 12/1/20: My Piece of the Pie
329. 11/30/20: Goodbye November
328. 11/29/20: Anger Management
327. 11/28/20: Positively Positive about Positive Reinforcement
326. 11/27/20: The Dog and Pony Show: A Tough Act to Follow
325. 11/26/20: Thanksgiving 2020/The White Highway Revisited
324. 11/25/20: You Are What You Read
323. 11/24/20: All the Animals
322. 11/23/20: A Conversation about the Birds and the Bees
321. 11/22/20: Winter, Etc.
320. 11/21/20: Every Cat has its Day and Every Dog has its Weak End
319. 11/20/20: The Writing Life: Looking Up and Looking Around
318. 11/19/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog: Graduation Day
11/16/20: A Postcard from Squalor Holler
11/15/20: Inside, where it's Warm, Outside where its Cold
11/14/20: The Dog and Pony Show: Dogs AND Ponies
314. 11/13/20: The Dog and Pony Show: Remaining Flexible and Agile
313. 11/12/20: Dog and Pony: Positive/Negative Senses of the Term
312. 11/11/20: The Dog and Pony Show: Our Day
311. 11/10/20: A Conversation with Ryder, Senior Dog Extraordinaire
310. 11/9/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog: Winter?
309. 11/8/20: A Conversation with Tinni
308. 11/7/20: Dog and Pony Show, Metaphorical and Otherwise
307. 11/6/20: Living in a Red State
306. 11/5/20: Bright Lights Grow Dim
305. 11/4/20: The Joy of Joy
304. 11/3/20: Hurricane Update
303. 11/2/20: The Day Before the Election
302. 11/1/20: Darkness Descends
301. 10/31/20: Halloween
300. 10/30/20: Going down, Fast
299. 10/29/20: Bright Lights on an Overcast Day
298. 10/28/20: A Conversation between Tyra and Hrimfara
297. 10/27/20: The Gift of Time
296. 10/26/20: The First Real Snowfall
295. 10/25/20: Saab-ing
294. 10/24/20: Betrayal
293. 10/23/20: We be Wood Burners
292. 10/22/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog
291. 10/21/20: My Ongoing Dental History, Continued
290. 10/20/20: Rites of Fall
10/19/20: A Conversation with Buckwheat
288. 10/18/20: The Stuff Dreams are Made of
287. 10/17/20: Slow to Figure Things Out
286. 10/16/20: Ryder and Shadow go to Puppy Socialization Hour
285. 10/15/20: Alys has a Conversation with Shadow
284. 10/14/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog: My six-month Birthday
283. 10/13/20: A SAAB Story
282. 10/12/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog
281. 10/11/20: Happy, Happy, Happy Me
280. 10/10/20: Fall etc.
279. 10/9/20: The Dog and Pony Show, for Real
278. 10/8/20: Bad to the Bone
277. 10/7/20: Dog Bites Human
276. 10/6/20: Bright Lights Go On, Bright Lights Go Off
275. 10/5/20: Wants and Needs
274. 10/4/20: If Wishes were Horses
273. 10/3/20: Confucius says. . .
272. 10/2/20: And the Beat Rolls On
271. 10/1/20: The Bright Lights Book Project: Let the Good Times Roll
270. 9/30/20: Here it Is
269. 9/29/20: No Ideas but in Things
268. 9/28/20: Bookville
267. 9/27/20: About this, a beautiful fall day
266. 9/26/20: A Conversation with Tyra
265. 9/25/20: Ryder’s Shadow
264. 9/24/20: Round and Round we Go
263. 9/23/20: The World Turned Upside Down
262. 9/22/20: Up and at ‘em
261. 9/21/20:A Letter to my Father
260. 9/20/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog
259. 9/19/20: Ruth, Bader, and Ginsberg
258. 9/18/20: The Third Person
257. 9/17/20: Birthday Blues
256. 9/16/20: Animal Farm
255. 9/15/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog
254. 9/14/20: When the Smoke Gets in Your Eye
253. 9/13/20: Mouth Breathers
252. 9/12/20: Bright Lights, Yet Another Chapter
251. 9/11/20: The Pacific Northwest Apocalypse
250. 9/10/20: More on Lessons Learned
249. 9/9/20: A Conversation with Ryder
248. 9/8/20: So many books, so little time
247. 9/7/20: Petey
246. 9/6/20: Teaching and Passion
245. 9/5/20: Oh Glorious Day
244. 9/4/20: Shine on You Crazy Bookstore
243. 9/3/20: Attitude
242. 9/2/20: A Conversation with Ryder
241. 9/1/20: The First Day of September
240. 8/31/20: A Conversation with Tinni
239. 8/30/20: Taking the Dog and Pony Show on the Road
238. 8/29/20: The Farming Life: Livestock vs. Pets
237. 8/28/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog
236. 8/27/20: The Dog and Pony Show continue
235. 8/26/20: A Long Awaited Ideas Day
234. 8/24/20: Playing with Fire
233. 8/25/20: Bright Lights on an Overcast Day
232. 8/23/20: Lessons Learned
231. 8/22/20: The Squalor Holler Dog and Pony Show
230. 8/21/20: Lost Dog, Found Dog
229. 8/19/20: A Conversation with Tinni
228. 8/18/20: Bright Lights Shine Again
227. 8/17/20: Tyra goes Cold Turkey
226. 8/16/20: Flat tired
225. 8/15/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog
224. 8/14/20: In My Horsey Comfort Zone
223. 8/13/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog
222. 8/12/20: Living the Good Life
221. 8/11/20: The Hero Journey Continues
220. 8/10/20: Dog and Pony Show Agility: Cross-Over
219. 8/9/20: One eye on the Sky
218. 8/8/20: Ferris Wheel Imager
217. 8/7/20: Perceived Busyness
216. 8/6/20: The Dog and Pony Show
215. 8/5/20: The Inertia of my Spirit
8/4/20: The Dream Vacation
213. 8/3/20: Ryder has a Conversation with Shadow
212. 8/2/20: The Woman who Had Everything, Continued
211. 8/1/20: Among Friends
210. 7/30/20:Ho Hum
209. 7/29/20: Making the Best of the Best
208. 7/28/20: Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher
207. 7/27/20: Sleep
206. 7/26/20: And So
205. 7/25/20: Don’t shirk your work
204. 7/24/20: The Perils of Puppyhood
203. 7/23/20: And if at the end of a long day
202. 7/22/20: Troubled Times
201. 7/21/20: Joyce's article and my belated response
200. 7/20/20: Home is where the Horse Is
199. 7/19/20: Down by the Dock
198. 7/18/20: Ideas Day
197. 7/17/20: Almost to Valdez
196. 7/16/20: Thompson Pass and the Great Walkabout
195. 7/15/20: Hardship Sells
194. 7/13/20: The Little Nilchina Campground and Recreation Area
193. 7/12/20: Phew
192. 7/11/20: Part II: The First Day
191. 7/10/20: One for the Money. . . .
190. 7/9/20: Summer Time in the Garden of Weedin’
189. 7/8/20: Maintaining Trip Momentum
188. 7/7/20: Recon – Creek Crossing a No Go
187. 7/6/20: Under the Weather (again)
186. 7/5/20: The Garden of Eatin
185. 7/4/20: The Woman who Had Everything
184. 7/3/20: I want to Take a Nap
183. 7/2/20: Full Day
182. 7/1/20: Beyond Words
181. 6/30/20: Horseback Riding in Alaska
180. 6/29/20: Disorganization
179. 6/28/20: Home again, Home again
178. 6/27/20: Home is Where the Heart Is
177. 6/26/20: Saturday, All Day
176. 6/25/20: Do It, Just Do It, Just Do it, Damnit
175. 6/24/20: Are We Having Fun Yet?
174. 6/23/20: Day Three, Heading to Healy
173. 6/22/20: Ride Day # 2 – Outskirts of Ester to Nenana
172. 6/21/20: Summer Solstice, Fairbanks, Alaska
171. 6/20/20: Doing the Day Justice
170. 6/19/20: The Longest Days of the Year
169. 6/18/20: Trekking in my Backyard
168. 6/17/20: The Things We All Carry
167. 6/16/20: A Conversation with Ryder: Only the Good Die Young
166. 6/16/20: A Conversation with Shadow
165. 6/14/20: The Dog Blog: Ryder has her Say
164. 6/13/20: Me and My Shadow
163. 6/12/20: Ryder’s Shadow
162. 6/11/20: Tinni’s Bout with Colic
161. 6/10/20: A Conversation with Raudi, Tyra, and Hrimmi
160. 6/9/20: This Morning
159. 6/8/20: Enough!
158. 6/7/20: Abandoning the Fine art of Procrastination
157. 6/6/20: A Conversation with Tyra
156. 6/5/20: Oh Where or Where did that Dispatch Go?
155. 6/4/20: Perhaps
154. 6/3/20: New World Disorder
6/2/20: Rooted
6/1/20: A Conversation with Tyra
151. 5/31/20: Goodbye Month of May
150. 5/30/20: Unrest
149. 5/29/20: The Gift of a Good Ride
148. 5/28/20: Will Wonders Ever Cease
147. 5/27/20: Conversation with mares about the May agility course
146. 5/26/20: No Fair
145. 5/25/20: Rain
144. 5/24/20: Under the Weather and Looking Up
143. 5/23/20: The Time Thief
142. 5/22/20: Going, going, but not Gone
141. 5/21/20: From the Annals of the Impulsive/Obsessive
140. 5/20/20: The Riding Life: The Power of the Pause
139. 5/19/20: The Writing and the Riding Life
138. 5/18/20: Summertime and the Living is Easy
137. 5/18/20: Pick it Up
136. 5/17/20: What Routine?
135. 5/15/20: Two Rooms of One’s Own
134. 5/14/20: A Conversation with Hrimfara
133. 5/13/20: Doing Close Readings
132. 5/12/20: The Writing Life: Forwards, Backwards, and Sideways
131. 5/11/20: A Conversation with Buckwheat
130. 5/10/20: And with Spring Comes . . . Outside Work
129. 5/9/20: Another Idea: The Latest from the Greatest
128. 5/8/20: A Conversation with Eleanor
127. 5/7/20: Spring: Great Joy and Great Sorrow
126. 5/6/20: A Conversation with Raudi
125. 5/5/20: A Hero ain’t nothing but a Sandwich
124. 5/4/20: Traipsing down Memory Lane
123. 5/3/20: Spring, again
122. 5/2/20: You and Bright Lights Books
121. 5/1/20: These Boots are Made for Walking
120. 4/30/20: Worth the Wait
119. 4/29/20: A Conversation with the Mares
118. 4/28/20: The Writing Life: Filling in the Blanks
117. 4/27/20: Trust what you Know
116. 4/26/20: The Mares Converse about the arrival of Buckwheat
115. 4/25/20: A Come to Jesus Talk with Raudhetta fra Alaskastadir
114. 4/24/20: Spring, Sprang, Sprung
113. 4/23/20: Tyra and the Chickens
112. 4/22/20: Postcards from the Edge
111. 4/21/20: Eulogy for Grey Baby
110. 4/20/20: What Gives?
109. 4/19/20: The Projects Speak for Us
108. 4/18/20: And what day of the week is it?
107. 4/17/20: The Horse/Human Mind/Body Awareness Connection
106. 4/16/20: From the Horses Owner’s Mouth
105. 4/15/20: A Conversation with Mr. Tinni
104. 4/14/20: Conversation with Raudi who today turned 17 years old
103. 4/13/20: Pretending its Spring
102. 4/12/20: The Non-Routine Routine
101. 4/11/20: The White Highway Revisited, Part II
100. 4/10/20: Revisiting the White Highway
99. 4/9/20: Thelma and Louse Watch the Days go By
98. 4/8/20: Exercise Compartmentalization
97. 4/7/20: A Conversation with Hrimfara fra Lough Arrow II
96. 4/6/20: The Woman who Runs with Horses
95. 4/5/20: You Wonder but don’t Wander
94. 4/4/20: Spring has Sprung, Sort of
93. 4/3/20: A Conversation with Ranger
92. 4/2/20: If You Come to a Fork in the Road, Run for Your Life
91. 4/1/20: This is . . . science!
90. 3/31/20: The Gift of Time
89. 3/30/20: Revisiting the White Highway
88. 3/29/20: And now, for some weather action
87. 3/28/20: Adjustments
86. 3/27/20: Dimming the Lights
85. 3/26/20: A Conversation with Tyra
84. 3/25/20: Saints Be Praised
83. 3/24/20: You and the Bright Lights Book Project
82. 3/23/20: No End in Sight
81. 3/22/20: Finding that Elusive Balance
80. 3/21/20: Taking books to the Emergency Homeless Shelter
79. 3/20/20: Going Nowhere, Fast
78. 3/19/20: Finding the Elusive Balance
77. 3/18/20: Remaining Flexible
76. 3/17/20: A Conversation with the Hoard and Tinni
75. 3/16/20: The New World Order
74. 3/15/20: If its Ants we are, we got One Jar
73. 3/14/20: The Woman Who Had Everything
72. 3/13/20: A Conversation with Hrimmi and Raudi
71. 3/12/20: The Sun Shines Brightly
70. 3/11/20: My Dental History
69. 3/10/20: A Conversation with Tinni
68. 3/9/20: More Snow
67. 3/8/20: The Writing Life: Done is almost Done
66. 3/7/20: The Bright Lights Book Project of Palmer, Alaska
65. 3/6/20: Grounding
64. 3/5/20: Book Obsessed
63. 3/4//20: More Light, More Light
62. 3/3/20: A Conversation with Ryder and Tinni
61. 3/2/20: The Writer’s Responsibility
60. 3/1/20: Yeah, in Like a Lion: A Conversation with Raudi
59. 2/29/20: End of February
58. 2/28/20: Going Viral
57. 2/27/20: The Lone Chigger
56. 2/26/20: The Keep Elenore Moving Program
55. 2/25/20: At El’s
54. 2/24/20: That which Still Alludes Me
53. 2/22/20: And so
52. 2/21/20: More or Less
51. 2/20/20: An analogy to the Gorilla crossing the Basketball Court
50. 2/19/20: Ride ‘em Cowboy
49. 2/18/20: More Snow: A Conversation with Tinni
48. 2/17/20: Snow Day
47. 2/16/20: Moving to Keep Things Whole
46. 2/15/20: The Incredible Lightness of Being
45. 2/14/20: When You’re Smilin’
44. 2/13/20: The Other Side of the Fence
43. 2/12/20: Loose Change
42. 2/11/20: Growing Pains
41. 2/10/20: A Conversation with Ryder, Border Collie Extraordinaire
40. 2/9/20: Ummmmmm
39. 2/8/20: The VCRS Recycling Center Riders are Readers Day
38. 2/7/20: Good tired and Bad Tired
37. 2/6/20: Obsession
36. 2/5/20: We are the Champions
35. 2/4/20: When there are no more Words
34. 2/3/20: Ideas Day: Let’s go with Megasort Saturday
33. 2/2/20: A Day on the Homefront
32. 2/1/20: Crossing the Line: Textiles
31. 1/31/20: Tough Times for Some
30. 1/30/20: Burning two Candles at One End
29. 1/29/20: Tyra and the Talking Trees
28. 1/28/20: Constructing a Bookstore
27. 1/27/20: KEMP and KAMMP
26. 1/26/20: Tyra and January 2020 Agility
25. 1/25/20: Our Books, Ourselves
24. 1/24/20: A Conversation with Hrimmi
23. 1/23/20: Riding the Wave
22. 1/22/20: A Conversation with Tinni
21. 1/21/20: Keep the Ideas Coming
20. 1/20/20: Home Sweet Home
19. 1/19/20: Convergence
18. 1/18/20: Books are Us
17. 1/17/20: A Conversation with Tyra and Tinni
16. 1/16/20: Bedazzled
15. 1/15/20: The Articles of Impeachment
14. 1/14/20: Moving Forward, Moving Backwards
13. 1/13/20: Bright Lights: Burning the Candle at Both Ends
12. 1/12/20: The State of the Farm Address
11. 1/11/20: Bright Lights Big City
10. 1/10/20: The Bright Lights Shine On
9. 1/9/20: Ayyyyyyyyy ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Again
8. 1/8/20: To Move or Not to Move, That is the Question
7. 1/7/20: Dog Blog
6. 1/6/20: Aaaay 0ooooooh
5. 1/5/19: The Cold Snap Continues
4. 1/4/20: Walking Horses
3. 1/3/20: Digging out of the Rubble
2. 1/2/20: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
1. 1/1/20: Happy Gnawed Ears
