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October 23, 2020: We be Wood Burners

We had a nice fall. Now winter is breathing down our backs. I have one regret, that I did not fully take advantage of the nice autumn weather. Stupid me, I could have done several more fun rides. Instead, I sat on my increasingly fat ass and twiddled my thumbs. My thumb muscles are now buff.

This year, for some odd reason, I’m having a harder time adjusting to the cold. Pretty soon, I’ll bust out my Refrigirware suit, and then things will be fine.

I don’t notice the sun rising later in the morning because I am not an early riser. I do notice the sun setting earlier in the evening because I’m still out and about. A reminder, to cherish those days in which I’m out until 11:30 p.m.

I am actually glad that both Pete and I worked so hard the past few months in preparing for winter. Our woodshed is nearly full to overflowing with wood. Pete goes and gets the wood, and I do most of the splitting. I did some stacking this year, but he usually takes on this job.

Woodstove with water for horses

Today we got our second to last load. It was large rounds. Pete chainsawed the big stuff and I split most of it, using the splitter. I’m now finally getting wiser. Used to be I’d lift and split the big rounds, but today I let them be – Pete will lift them into place and split them. I have a sore shoulder – I think I have a torn rotator cuff. I am hoping that my being extra careful and avoiding doing heavy lifting will keep it from getting worse.

Our neighbor Dorothy gave us most of the wood that’s now in the shed. She went out and purchased a new oil stove. I saw it yesterday. It has a glass door and you can see the flame. It reminds me of the marker on John F. Kennedy’s grave, in Arlington National Cemetery, in that it’s perpetual.

Yes, being a wood burner takes time and energy. The term wood burner is in some circles considered to be derogatory in that it refers to those with strong environmentalist leanings. I say hey, bring it on. This is what I am, and I am proud of it.

We may, in the future, have to forego this, but for now burning wood is an essential part of our lifestyle. I like most aspects of the process and the equipment. I can operate the splitter. I can stack the wood in the shed. I can bring it into the cabin and load up the kindling and wood boxes. I can start a fire. I can take the ashes down to the compost facility and sprinkle them on the compost.
I won’t use the chainsaw and cut down trees or the wood into rounds. It looks to me that one must be very mindful when taking on this task, and I’m not. I’m a dreamer.

I thank the logs as I get ready to pop them into our Lopi Stove. I really do this. I am just so very grateful for each and every piece of wood. Some year I might feel differently, but for now, I’m glad that we heat with wood.

Next: 294. 10/24/20: Betrayal

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