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March 5, 2020: Book Obsessed

The day began and ended in a good, and similar fashion. Early on, Pete and I took Tinni, Hrimmi, and Ryder for a walk around the loop. And later today, Pete and I took Raudi, Tyra, and Ryder for a walk around the loop, going the other way. In both instances it was somewhat cold and windy. It was not, as it has been, nose-biting cold – as I told Pete, winter is losing its dogged grip.

It’s been a good winter in that the Bright Lights Book Project has kept me preoccupied and from thinking too much about how cold and dark and windy it has been. It’s sort of like hanging onto a life preserver floaty toy – my nose and mouth have remained above water. A good thing.

Six Seusses
Six Seusses

And perhaps the horses have needed a break. They sure seem to be in good spirits. But, like me, I think they are ready for spring.

It was a long, but productive day in the bowels, that is the warehouse area of the recycling center. Bill was there when I arrived at noon – it was for the longest time blissfully quiet. The floor workers seemed to have taken a hiatus from forklift and front-end loading activities – and the shredders had not yet arrived.

This changed later in the day. But early on, the quietude was a welcome relief. The site really isn’t the best for what it is – a clearinghouse for hundreds of books – but we must do with what we have. And we are doing. Three days ago, when I returned to work, it looked like the area was ready to implode – boxes of books were piled everywhere and in no apparent order. By the end of the day yesterday, there was one book/bakery shelf with books on it, and fewer boxes on the floor. By the end of the day today there was one book/bakery shelf with books on it, one bookshelf, and no boxes on the floor.

Like I said yesterday, every day there is a story. It was getting towards the end of the day today, and there was as of yet, no story. I thought to myself, well, maybe the Bright Lights Book Project hoopla has died down, and what we are now stuck with are a lot of out of date books. But no, at 4:49 p.m. Steve the Director appeared at the base of the stairs and said there were some customers upstairs and they were looking for Curious George books. I said, “bring ‘em on.” I was fairly confident that I could one or two of the books in the series because I’d spent the remainder of the afternoon putting the books in the children’s area in order.

Two women and two children, perhaps 5 and 6, followed me down the stairs. The mothers were somewhat aloof, the children, a boy and a girl, were quite enthused. The story was that the little girl was going to school tomorrow, dressed as a monkey, and needed a copy of the book.

In short order, I and the little boy each found a copy of the book. I was really pleased because this meant that my sorting efforts had paid off. And added bonus was that the kids also took home some additional books.

This all made the time that I put in today, well worth the effort.

Next: 65. 3/6/20: Grounding

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