Today you forced yourself to look around and see the project anew. There is now a small bookstore with an incredible Alaskan section.
It was for this reason that today was a good day. You made some distribution calls yesterday, and today set aside books for the animal shelter, the cooperative extension agency, the homeless shelter, and for Bill Schmidtkunz. Bill is in charge of the books of faith. On Saturday there is going to be an artwalk and you will be in charge of the books.
You have resumed working knowing that some things are never going to change, which is to say other’s attitudes are going to remain the same. That’s okay. For now. Just have to deal because you have a vision.
This vision – a larger bookshop, one with a distribution area. This shop will have wood floors and windows and be brightly lit. It will have hanging plants and table where people can play chess and scrabble.
As importantly, it will be a place in which literacy classes are taught. There will also be weekly writing groups, and a children’s area. It will be in a quiet setting, but at the same time, a place where readers like to congregate.
I know that I will have to keep this vision in mind. And I know that this will have to come about in a near serendipitous fashion. This is because the re-use committee is a committee, and committees aren’t known for acting in an expedient fashion. This is because language gets in the way.
What’s going to keep me going is this – a mental image of boxes of books, real treasures, today art books of all types, most nearly new. Can’t stand to see them shredded. So tally ho, and away we go.
Next: 245. 9/5/20: Oh Glorious Day |