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August 27, 2020: The Dog and Pony Show continues

Last Sunday a student in my Sunday lesson class suggested that I listen to Warwick Schiller’s podcast, adding that he is making the same sort of horse-related connections that we are. I said I would. I generally don’t waste my time on such things. Also, I figured this guy was just another Australian blowhard yammering about dominance and submission. Additionally, the name Warwick was off putting. But Jessica is a sharp cookie, and so I suspected that this fellow had something worthy to offer.

I checked out the site and immediately to Podcast # 4, Influential Books. I felt a chill go down my spine when he said right off that the three most useful animal training

Alys at Taylor Park Lake

books were dog books, most notably The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson, The Other end of the Leash by Patricia O’Connell, and Don’t Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor. This was because these animal behavior books were ones that shaped my equine education perceptions.

Right then I wanted to join in on his podcast and start conversing with Warwick about these books. He then went on and cited Malcolm Gladwell, another influential author. By now I was inwardly cheering.

I had not read the next few books he mentioned, The Talent Code being one, but these were books that I wanted to and will read because of the cognitivist bent.

I didn’t listen to the entire podcast, but I will. I am of course intrigued. I am wondering if Warwick’s training methods complement his literary interests. And if so, in what ways?

Warwick’s insights were as right on as his book selections. For instance, he talks about Gladwell’s take on accidents, and elaborates on the fact that accidents don’t just happen. Rather, there is often a causal relationship. This got me thinking about two related things. The first thought is connected to last week’s car accident, which concurs with what he’s saying. The first is that, indeed, all that happened did have a causal relationship. I was, before I attempted to make the turn, quite hungry. I also got going late because I got the class time wrong, and so was still anxious. Yes, I made the turn a bit too late.

I was driving a vehicle that was past its prime. And we had not crate trained the dog. What happened happened because I erred in so many ways.

As this relates to horsemanship – I am going to talk about this in class. Accidents happen in the horse world, and with great frequency. If say, we are mindful and think in advance about what we are doing, we may prevent a spill or fall. Seems to me that for this reason, bringing this to the forefront of everyone’s attention will be a good thing.

Warwick also talks about talent, and how the best athletes practice, practice, practice the very basics. This then gives me permission to work with students, even those who claim to be advanced riders, on the very basic equitation skills associated with the walk.

The dog and pony show continues. I have come full circle. I will write about this idea tomorrow.

Next: 237. 8/28/20: Shadow’s Dog Blog

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