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August 16, 2020: Flat tired

There are a few different kinds of tired. There is the tired that comes at the end of the day, when one has been bored. Naps then are just an escape. There is also the tired that come at the end of the day when one has been engaged and doing activities that are self-meaningful.

Today I’m feeling the latter. When the days are really wonderful, like today, I am tired and wired. All then, that I want to do, is relive these days. I often do this by writing about them.

I spent a better part of yesterday preparing for today’s horseback riding lessons. Build it and they will come. One of my favorite sayings. What most impresses me (for some odd reason) is when those riding pull into the Saddle Up parking lot in their trailers. The sight of all those vehicles is a reminder to me that I really am giving lessons. It is also a reminder that this is a huge responsibility and I need to remain centered for the next few hours. I am the one in charge, and in some respects, its my way or the highway.

First in the arena, Judy and her mule Esmee. Judy wanted to get right on and let Esmee expend some energy. I said no, that we first needed to do our body awareness work and additionally do some ground work. Then she could ride. I held fast and the mounted lesson was a success.

Pete trimming branches on our trails

The group lesson, which consisted of five riders, was also a success. I put Judy in charge of the groundwork exercises because she is attuned to the mind/body relationship. I was then in charge of the equitation portion. It went well, except for the fact that I paired like riders and should have paired like horses. There was some mare drama – Buttercup raised a stink when she was out of the range of Spiffy, and Whiskey raised a stink when she was out of the range of Scout. So the next time, I am going to keep the mares together.

Came home, went for a walk on our trails with Pete, Hrimmi, Shadow, and Ryder. It was a peaceful outing. And it does my heart good to see Shadow race along with considerable abandon. I don’t think it does Ryder’s heart good, but time is going to tell.

I picked berries after dinner. Saskatoons and Raspberries. Then I had just enough time to get Raudi out. I have learned to ride with her, meaning, let her go. I hold onto the reins and her mane with one hand, and I urge her on with a crop, which is my other hand. She moves out because I am not holding her back. Had a beautiful ride on Raudi’s runway – she has this incredible slow, rocking horse canter. Tonight it was the best ever.

Then, at the Murphy Road/Oceanview Road intersection, we heard, and then saw a handful of ATVers and dirt bikers. They turned on the trail, and were directly across from us. They were wearing full face masks – and not at all friendly. One dirt biker got stuck and revved his loud motor. Raudi and I stood quietly. There was a time when Raudi would have turned and bolted. But she held fast. They tore up the trail, and on the way tore up the trail.

Raudi and I then continued home; me walking her. I just hope she knows that I was proud of her. She is now the number one riding horse. Tinni is number one riding horse emeritus.

I will not get to sleep right away because I will be reliving this day.

Next: 227. 8/17/20: Tyra goes Cold Turkey

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