The group lesson, which consisted of five riders, was also a success. I put Judy in charge of the groundwork exercises because she is attuned to the mind/body relationship. I was then in charge of the equitation portion. It went well, except for the fact that I paired like riders and should have paired like horses. There was some mare drama – Buttercup raised a stink when she was out of the range of Spiffy, and Whiskey raised a stink when she was out of the range of Scout. So the next time, I am going to keep the mares together.
Came home, went for a walk on our trails with Pete, Hrimmi, Shadow, and Ryder. It was a peaceful outing. And it does my heart good to see Shadow race along with considerable abandon. I don’t think it does Ryder’s heart good, but time is going to tell.
I picked berries after dinner. Saskatoons and Raspberries. Then I had just enough time to get Raudi out. I have learned to ride with her, meaning, let her go. I hold onto the reins and her mane with one hand, and I urge her on with a crop, which is my other hand. She moves out because I am not holding her back. Had a beautiful ride on Raudi’s runway – she has this incredible slow, rocking horse canter. Tonight it was the best ever.
Then, at the Murphy Road/Oceanview Road intersection, we heard, and then saw a handful of ATVers and dirt bikers. They turned on the trail, and were directly across from us. They were wearing full face masks – and not at all friendly. One dirt biker got stuck and revved his loud motor. Raudi and I stood quietly. There was a time when Raudi would have turned and bolted. But she held fast. They tore up the trail, and on the way tore up the trail.
Raudi and I then continued home; me walking her. I just hope she knows that I was proud of her. She is now the number one riding horse. Tinni is number one riding horse emeritus.
I will not get to sleep right away because I will be reliving this day.
Next: 227. 8/17/20: Tyra goes Cold Turkey |