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January 13, 2025: Ready to go Sleddy

My father gave me a Flexible Flyer sled when we lived in New Hampshire. It’s in the black hole. I’ve never used it. I’d like to go sledding. This has not been the best winter for sledding, cross country skiing, bicycling, or horseback riding. It has been a good winter for ice skating.

A few years back, I purchased a pair of ice skates from the local sporting goods shop. I was to go skating with a friend, a horse-riding buddy. When I told her I’d purchased skates, she became quiet – this, I knew, was her way of saying that she wasn’t up for skating with me. I returned the skates to the store because I didn’t have anyone else to skate with. I’d have gone by myself but the rivers and lakes, being what they are, make this a two-person proposition.

The book project became a full-time job shortly after my request. It’s still a full-time job. Today I entered the former banquet room of the historic Eagle Hotel and stopped mid-stride, as I was headed in the direction of the rear door. The books on the furthest shelf, they were on the floor. This was 20-or-so boxes. I went over to Pete who was getting books ready to ship to villages, and he came over and first noticed the books, then noticed that two ceiling tiles were missing. Someone has also placed blue bins on the shelves, under the spaces where the tiles used to be.

We speculated as to who might have done this and finally figured that it was management. This was because a volunteer would have called us and told us about this. I thought I’d be packing books and getting ready for my trip. (I head to Bethel and Mountain Village on Wednesday). Instead, I repacked the books, which over time had become disorganized, and put most of the boxes back on the shelves. Pete and Robert put the heaviest ones back in place.

What I am attempting to say here is that for me, the Bright Lights Book Project is still a full-time job, leaving no time for horseback riding, cross country skiing, or sledding. And those who tell me to take care of myself and to take time off are the ones who offer the least amount of assistance. I am not complaining; rather, I am making a statement of fact.

Now tomorrow evening the BLBP board is going to meet, and Herr Consultant will provide information as to how we might all work in a unified fashion. She will make this complicated because she’s getting paid to do this. Every argument has a rhetorical nugget, a single statement that is at the heart of the debate. There is often, in conversation, deviation from this central premise. All can say what they wish, but in this instance, it’s that no one beside me and Pete are totally invested in this project. For the others, it’s out of sight, out of mind. Shit, we wake up and talk about what we have to do.

And right now, all I want to do is pull that Flexible Flier down from the rafters and get ready to go sleddy.

Next: 14. 1/14/25: Same Old Same Old

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