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January 14, 2025: Same Old Same Old

And what will I remember about this particular day?

Swimming – there was just one person in the far lane of the pool, so I hopped in. She hopped out. Then two other people joined her, so there were three of us. Not good. It was like being on a crowded freeway. I did my exercises for a few minutes then went over to the hot tub, which was very crowded.

Locker room crowded, no one respecting anyone else’s space. I asked and was told that the Wasilla pool is closed until March; this is why swimmers (if you can call us that) are flocking to the Palmer pool. Now I live in an area that has a relatively small population – I was reminded that what I experienced today was the norm in other places.

Pete cleaning snow off the panels

I left the pool area with a bar of soap in my pocket.

Got to the hotel at 1:02, just seconds before the yellow school bus. The Mat-Su School district day school students were to clean and stamp books. This is what they did. The paid staff person showed up a few minutes after me. Not good. I continue to have to be the responsible party.

Put books that were in a bookshelf in boxes and found differing places for them. On Saturday, the bookcase will be moved to the Lutheran Church.

Cheryl Chapman showed up with a dozen boxes of books, all nicely boxed, all with protective paper on the top and bottom. She showed me a box of older books – I put them on the eBay shelf.

A few other people with boxes of books rolled in. And I thought it was going to be a quiet day.

Early in the evening, at 5:30 p.m., we had a BLBP meeting – our guest was our consultant, who did not at least in my mind paint a bright picture in regard to the project. We need more space, but in order to get this space, the BLBP board members are going to have to fundraise. Being the Executive Director, I am not required to fundraise, but I will do this.

I felt very discouraged by the meeting’s end. I got home (drove in the dark) and tended to the horses, which in one way made me feel better – I always feel calm around them. But in another made me feel bad. When, I wonder, am I going to again have time to spend with them? Our summer trip is seeming less and less likely. If we were going to do a trip, we’d be talking about it. But we never mention doing this.

The most amazing thing, and one that really lifted my spirits, was talking with Pete. He did not get discouraged. Instead, at dinner he talked about what needed to be done further. He also talked about his latest purchase, three solar panels. He told me all about them, going into excruciating detail.

This was my day. It’ll be interesting to see what I remember of it, one, five, ten, twenty years from now.

Next: 15. 1/15/25: You are Here

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