If I had the right connections, I’d write a screenplay, one based on this premise. Bet this has already been done. I have not heard of anyone doing this, so I presume that I can do better. Of course I can do better.
I saw the movie, “A Beautiful Mind” – it’s about a mathematical genius who loses his mind. This was perfectly obvious to others I spoke to, who watched this movie. But it was not obvious to me. For instance, I didn’t know that the main character’s roommate was a product of his imagination. And I still did not think he was crazy when he started plastering his mancave with magazine clippings.
What do you do with someone like this? I guess in order to keep such individuals from continuing with (what some would say) this behavior, you medicate them. Poof, then there goes the creative edge. Such people then lead what is said to be “normal” lives. The problem is, the world is a much duller place when we refuse to allow people to inhabit the fourth dimension. The title of my screenplay, yes, it would be, “The Fourth Dimension.”
Humans understand what’s finite, but not what’s infinite. It must be frustrating, being a quantum physicist and only being able to take your thinking so far, because beyond a certain point, it is beyond scientific comprehension. Getting to this state is like hitting the 18-mile point of a marathon. You have a few miles left and know that there’s an end point. Then you, the scientist, the marathon runner, hit infinity.
So are two train tracks at the distance an infinite or a finite distance away? And how come we are (supposedly) finite beings.
I do not believe that we just come and go. We may come back, we may not come back, but no, we do not just go poof. That I am conscious of my conscious is proof that we at least loiter, maybe on street corners of our own making.
The above are things that I have been wondering about. Most likely this is because I am now in the twilight of my years.
Next: 57. 2/28/24: The Same Old Same Old |