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November 25, 2024: Darkness Descends

Once again, I am attempting to deal with the lack of light. It is now less than a month before the solstice – then the days will again grow longer. The light gain will be incremental. But just knowing the light is returning will provide a psychological lift to sagging spirits.

Some sit under seasonal affective disorder (SAD) lights, and in this way, they fight the inevitable depression that accompanies being in the dark for hours on end. There are three things that are amiss about this. The first is that one must sit for a certain length of time under the light. I can’t see sitting for the time it might take to get the much-needed sense of euphoria that accompanies hanging out under artificial light. The second is that the lights are an energy suck. And the third is that darkness is darkness. It doesn’t change the situation.

BLBP's Eagle Hotel entrance

Me, I have decided to remain as productive as possible. Hmm, productive is a far better term than busy. I am no longer going to say to people that I have been very busy, but that, har har, I have been very productive.

Today was a productive day. It did start late because around here, we do not get up in the dark. Me, I would rather tend to the horses in the daylight, and this is always the first thing that I do. So I got up, said hello to the horses, goats, and chickens, all of whom were overjoyed to see me, then after eating breakfast, I got on the phone and with Pete and interviewed a potential AmeriCorps volunteer.

What goes around comes around – I have been interviewed for numerous jobs. Now I was involved in interviewing someone else. I let Pete do most of the talking – sometimes listening is in itself revelatory. We liked the interviewee – we will now wait and see if another applicant materializes. I hope not. I want this one. I think I indicated this at the end of our conversation.

Pete and I then drove to the hotel – I got back just in time – it started to snow last night, and a few inches of wet, gloppy stuff covered the ground. I like snow as it’s coming out of the sky, less so when it’s on the ground. It is easier to stay focused when inside while a rain/snow mix is falling.

I packed up the books going to Franz Bakery, and Pete went and picked up books from The Family Treasure Thrift store. I finished and Pete came back - -I then reboxed the incoming books. The Franz Bakery woman came and picked up the books – I took care of some of the smaller things that needed to be done then headed over to The Koslosky Building where I had my first water hydrotherapy session.

It was both relaxing and rejuvenating, doing exercises in a small pool – this was like being in a hot tub; however, the water was cooler and there were no jets.

Came home; at 4:00 p.m. while darkness was descending. I then began typing up dispatches that I had handwritten. Today, I dealt with the darkness really well.

Next: 322. 11/26/24: I have a head cold

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