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November 4, 2024: Making a Difference

Today was a big day in my life. I nearly typed in Bright Lights Book Project because I have had many big days. As I told Pete tonight, something of note has happened nearly every day of my life, from the day that I entered kindergarten on.

Today I met Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. She literally forged ahead of her handlers, into the former banquet room of the Historic Eagle Hotel, stood there for a second, looked around, and then bounded over to the boxes on the children’s bookshelves, and began asking questions, such as, “Where did these books all come from?”

I had planned for a more awkward introductory moment, which would be followed by introductions, then an overview of the project, by me.

I instead reined Lisa (this is what she likes to be called) in and said that I would give her a tour, focusing on the books to the village program. And this is what I did.

I now have my elevator speech down, so this was very easy. I just said what I’ve been saying the past three years, to anyone who will listen, and to those who won’t listen.

Lisa was rapt, and totally behind what we are doing, which is getting books into the hands of appreciative readers and envisioning the power of literacy to change lives.

She and her handlers mentioned working with Read on the Fly (done) and Best Beginnings (done). THEN Lisa says that the Library of Congress has always has a lot of discards, and that in the past, there were individuals in her office who’d retrieve some of these books and got them to Alaska villages.

Lisa did see the wheels in my head spinning. I finally said that I would like to go to the Library of Congress and be the one to resume retrieving Alaska books. She didn’t say yes, and she didn’t say no. But it is likely that in the future, I will go to Washington DC and take on this task.

It seems to me that this would be a logistical feat, doing this. I’d have to get enough boxes for the task at hand. And I’d have to arrange for shipping. Then, once here, I’d have to get the books to villages.

Lisa had obviously been thinking some about the lack of books in villages. Her take on the matter is that books should be available to children not just during the school year, but also in the summers. I said that I hadn’t thought of this. She suggested getting in touch with tribal councils. I got the sense that there would be assistance with this.

As we concluded the tour (we’d stalled by the back room), she said to me, “Alys, you are making a difference,” to which I replied< “You are also making a difference.”

Pete and I both have talked with many politicians – their attitude has been that what we are doing is a wonderful thing – but it often sounds like the company line. Lisa was truly enthused about the BLBP.



Next: 301. 11/5/24: Election Results: I Told you So

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