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July 23, 2024: Pete’s Ride

Tonight Pete is out for a late evening ride on Tyra. I am writing this dispatch. What’s wrong with this picture? Plenty. My hip/lower back problem is intermittent, so when it isn’t seized up, I think it’s better.

It went out last night, and the night before, as I was first sitting on the kitchen stairs, then as I was sitting at the kitchen table. It did not seize up today.

I did work at the hotel today, and I was very careful – I may have lifted one box. I got others to lift boxes. I have a theory about those with eating disorders, which is that they delight in watching others eat. Deep down, they believe that those eating will get fat. The same holds true of those who lift things and have hurt themselves. They believe that others will experience the same thing. So in both instances, let them have at it.

Me, I am pushing the negative lifting related thoughts out of my mind, and of course telling people to squat and bend their knees because I am not a spineless individual.

In front of the Black Birch Bookstore

I was down when working. I tried hard to project an attitude of utter joy, but finally gave up and went into the back room and boxed up books that are going to villages. It’s best on these days that I distance myself from the other workers.

Pete showed up and saved the day. We went and mainly did book related errands. We first went and checked out the Competitive Trail Ride ride camp. It’s on school property, on a gravel lot. Seeing it, I realized that I might have dodged a bullet. This, and the fact that ride is in a semi-residential area might make for a not so fun 30 miles. The first day the ride is 16 miles, and the second day, 14 miles.

After, we went to Thrifter’s Rock Thrift store and put a shopping cart full of books in boxes, which were at the rear of our truck. Paydirt, most of them were children’s books. From there we went to Siver Birch Book Store and the owner gave us three bins and a cardboard box full of children’s books. She’s quite obviously a very generous individual.

After, we stood outside the store and did the values exchange. She’s an amazing woman who seems tireless. In addition to running a very large used bookstore, she’s actively working to give an assist to those who are the fringes or are holding the minority viewpoint. I felt energized after listening to her talk.

I also was energized by the fact that Kamala Harris has almost secured the Democratic nomination for the upcoming presidency. I look at her and I think of my father – if he was around, he’d say, “This woman has class”; meaning, she’s got her act together. Me, I have always thought that the person back there in the wings was a strong, tough individual with exemplary leadership skills.

It’s hard to tell if any Alaskans feel similarly. I don’t see that others are as enthused about Harris’s presidential bid as I am. Why is this? Maybe others are tired of those playing political games.

The pendulum swinging to the left again – thinking of this is energizing.

Next: 202. 7/25/24: No Rhyme or Reason

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