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May 30, 2024: A Day to be Remembered

It’s another one of those days in which I hope (there’s that word again) to remember every single thing that happened. It will undoubtedly fade away slowly, and just one salient detail will remain – that is that a former president was found guilty on 34 counts by a jury of twelve individuals. The question that may be asked is, where were you when you heard this happened?

Where were you when you heard this happened? We ask this of those who were around when JFK was shot. We ask this of those who were around when the World Trade Towers were hit by planes. We ask this of those who were around when the Challenger blew up.

Me, I was staying with my Uncle Bob and Aunt Esther when Kennedy was assassinated. My parents had just separated and the couple took us in. Me, I was living in Butte, Montana when the World Trade Towers were hit. Pete must of heard it on the radio because we didn’t have a television. Me, I was in Fairbanks, going to the University of Alaska Fairbanks when the challenger exploded, I heard about this from others. I didn’t have a television then either, so I pictured the spaceship exploding at ground level. Many years later, I saw a video of the explosion – it surprised me because it was way up there.

So I don’t remember the day of these events, just the events themselves. I want to remember today.

Zach, our veterinarian came in his Mobile Moose van and got down to business pretty quickly. He said Shadow’s lump was an immunological response to the vaccine that he gave her the last time he was here. He next examined Raudi, so as to determine if she was fit enough to take on a trip. I had mentioned that she’d been coughing.

Raudi has not coughed for a few days. And she did not cough when, upon request, I had her race around the pen. I was supposed to have been lunging her. Stupid me, chasing her. She knows how to lunge, and I know how to lunge her. It just has been years since I’d done this.

Dr. Kaiser did not say one way or another about our taking her on a two-week trip. The way I figure it, we are not taking her on a lengthy trip at high altitude. Nor will she be galloping. This trip is going to be as leisurely as it gets. So if she doesn’t cough by Monday, and we have our gear act together, we may take off on Tuesday.

Dr. Kaiser also floated Tyra’s teeth and did wellness checks on all three horses. All have high respiration rates, with Tyra’s, in the 30s being the lowest. I attribute this to a large part because they are out of shape. I am kicking myself hard about this. I am trying to make up for this by riding them all now, every day. This evening, I rode Raudi and Hrimmi, and took Tyra for a walk

I also spent some time at the hotel, sorting children’s books. 13 boxes came in. Tomorrow I will begin my nonpaying vacation.

So all this, this was what I was doing on the day in which the verdict was announced.

Next: 149. 5/30/24: A Day to be Remembered

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