Raudi has not coughed for a few days. And she did not cough when, upon request, I had her race around the pen. I was supposed to have been lunging her. Stupid me, chasing her. She knows how to lunge, and I know how to lunge her. It just has been years since I’d done this.
Dr. Kaiser did not say one way or another about our taking her on a two-week trip. The way I figure it, we are not taking her on a lengthy trip at high altitude. Nor will she be galloping. This trip is going to be as leisurely as it gets. So if she doesn’t cough by Monday, and we have our gear act together, we may take off on Tuesday.
Dr. Kaiser also floated Tyra’s teeth and did wellness checks on all three horses. All have high respiration rates, with Tyra’s, in the 30s being the lowest. I attribute this to a large part because they are out of shape. I am kicking myself hard about this. I am trying to make up for this by riding them all now, every day. This evening, I rode Raudi and Hrimmi, and took Tyra for a walk
I also spent some time at the hotel, sorting children’s books. 13 boxes came in. Tomorrow I will begin my nonpaying vacation.
So all this, this was what I was doing on the day in which the verdict was announced.
Next: 149. 5/30/24: A Day to be Remembered |