So there is moosey moosey. There is also mousey mousey. Yesterday Cherokee Jones (yes this is her real name) and I were at the sorting table – she was talking, and I was cleaning books. We saw the mouse, by the front door, at the same time.
Cherokee said it was a female mouse, pregnant, and looking for a place inside, so as to build her nest. She added our place was perfect because the books are a good source of nesting material.
Cherokee said that we should get a sticky trap, and in this way catch the mouse. I said no. Recall that I once attempted to free a mouse at VCRS, the recycling center, and I got bit. I also said that was no way to treat a pregnant animal. I told Cherokee all this and she said that the mouse would come off the trap if I used vegetable oil.
I then had a great idea. I said that I’d post a sticky note, one that read “Mousey, mousey, go away. You aren’t wanted here.” I knew as I said this that I’d have to be more specific and tell the animal where to go because otherwise, mousey mousey would have no directives.
I thought Cherokee, who believes in that which is improbable, would think this was a good idea; however, she didn’t bite. She said that the hole could be plugged up with a scrubber pad.
I didn’t say it, but I thought that if we are going to make the leap into literacy, that using the written word to get rid of the mouse was a good idea. I then, and still do think, that if we were successful, we’d be eligible for some pretty hefty grant funding.
Moosey Moosey, Mousey Mousey – I say live and let live.
Next: 265. 9/27/23: Good Omens |