the lower quadrant manure (which is in buckets and in a trailer) is moved out.
The tractor is coming this weekend. This will put an end to hand turning compost.
Follow through. Sure, I had a lot of help on this project from Pete. Our neighbors (Gene and Andre) both got us to thinking this might be a feasible option. And now it’s a reality.
I’m now feel like I’m holding a multitude of puzzle pieces in my hands. And if I follow through with some of my ideas, they’ll fall into place. It’s not like I’m thinking – well, I would like to own some horses and maybe someday have a portion of my life’s work revolve around them. I now own five incredible horses and am housing them on our property. What we’ve done here is huge. We have hay barns, a paddock area with several gates, a tack room, and now, a composting facility.
And, as importantly, for the past ten years I’ve spent the bulk of my time learning as much as I can about horse care and training. It took some effort, but I now feel fairly confident about my knowledge base; in fact, confident enough that I want to work with others who have a similar mindset. I espouse the theory that informs the practices of centered and connected riding, clicker training, and Tteam training. Seeing things from the horses’ point of view, that it what this is all about.
Key to having this happen is acquiring the land across the way. As I said to a friend, I have to play my cards right.
In the meantime, I need to line up my ducks and work with what I have. (I’ll bet Pete will breathe a sigh of relief when he reads this). I’m first going to begin by turning my study into a horse resource library. This, at the very least, will better enable me to continue my studies in a more organized fashion. Then I’ll next work on getting my TTeam Practicioner status.
For some time, I thought about going my friend Vickie’s route, and taking dressage and jumping lessons. In time, I might do this. But I think that it’s important that I find my own path.
Many, many huge realizations here. I sense that if I act on them, that the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place.
Next: 299. 10/5/12: Snow Day |