SIGNY is pregnant. (This is the mare who will soon foal.) Signy IS pregnant (This is something we know for sure.) Signy is PREGNANT. (Oh my dog, my horse is going to have a baby!!!!!)
Her due date is April 20. I’ve already begun to prepare of the birth. I’ve read both Blessed are the Broodmares and Blessed are the Foals, two excellent books on the subject of pregnant mare care, parturition, and after care. The author is M. Phyllis Lose. She’s a veterinarian and this is her area of expertise. Both books are written in layperson’s terms, so they are comprehensive to non-veterinarians.
Reiterated – keep a close eye on the mare prior to and during the birthing process. Make sure your foaling area is clean and free of any obstructions. And keep a close eye on the foal once it’s born. There are also a billion little things to remember, like start hand-feeding the foal at 3-5 days, so that it doesn’t become anemic. And rasp the hooves at ten days, because pointy toes can lead to conformational problems.
I’ve also been keeping a very close eye on Signy. She’s gaining weight fast –and drinking increasingly more water. This morning Pete filled the buckets before he went to work. An hour later, after my walk, I had to refill them.
I’ve made a prenatal appointment with Dr. Wellington. We’ll have him take a look at her, and give her pre-foal vaccines. Good timing – Tinni, Siggi, and Raudi will be getting their annual vaccines.
I’ve been making mental lists, but I’m going to make some actual lists in the next few days. I’m going to write up a |