It’s been a very, very, very mild winter here thus far, and the days are growing longer. I don’t think that we are on the flip side of winter yet, but it’s going to be a weak flip. I would be enjoying this winter more if I didn’t have horses. Temperature variations are not good for them. I of course am very concerned about Tyra who even on parasite medication, still has the splats. I will again have to clean her up tomorrow.
Moving someplace requires that you find new health care providers. It’s a long-term process for sure. But we have a good veterinarian and farrier, and go to a good clinic, one that is located in Sutton, the next town over. Today I realized that I would not want to give up all this, nor would I want to have to find a new dentist.
I will never cease to become anxious before going to any dentist. Today was no exception. I got up in the dark and tended to the animals. Oceanview Road was icy, so Pete said he’d take me to the dental office. I accepted his offer. I went into the office feeling irate because since October, there have been several scheduling screw ups. I was told by the dental assistant that my implant crown would be ready in a few days. It has now been several months. Also, my cleaning appointment was postponed indefinitely.
I didn’t have a wait today. I followed Raine down the hall, and upon entering the dental room, sat in the dental chair. I was going to wait and tell the dentist about the screw ups, this rather than tell Raine who is one of my favorite people. But Raine immediately began apologizing, and profusely, for the scheduling mix ups. He said something really interesting, which is that he will sometimes at the day’s end, put in more time, but he hasn’t seen other assistants doing this.
I then told him that we are so on the same page, that I have had identical experiences while working on the book project. We, and then Dr. Gurr indicated that we had reached a certain level of understanding about this.
The dental assistant and dentist then put the new crown in place. I am really pleased about this. It isn’t my original tooth, but it feels just fine. Tomorrow, I will call the dental office and have the staff say thank you to Dr. Gurr and Raine, his assistant.
Next: 10. 1/10/25: More Ice, More Snow |