Well, today, the veterinarian pulled his mobile unit up next to the hotel, and we went inside and talked with him about a treatment plan for Tyra. She may have parasites, perhaps giardia. She may have a gastric ulcer. She may have an intestinal ulcer. We are going to have to get a sample of her FRESH poop and test it; this way determining if she has one or both kinds of ulcers. After this, we will give her the parasite medication, Panacur for five days, morning and evening.
Of course, I am worried. I breathe a sigh of relief every time I go out to the enclosure and see her racing around with Raudi and Hrimmi. My relief turns to despair as I lift her tail and see where the splats have messed up her tail and are also clinging to her rear end. And my spirits are further dampened as I see, in the pen, mounds of frozen manure.
What’s a horse owner to do? What else might a horse owner do? If we lived near a university with a veterinary program, I’d check her in. The best we can do is what we can do. If she has ulcers, we’ll put her on the cheaper of two medications. If she has parasites, we’ll give her Panacur. If neither turns out to be the case, we’ll begin making dietary changes.
Zach is a realist, and so when I indicated that I’m worried, he did not attempt to reassure me. This is because he too knows that this could be a very serious matter. Instead, he laid out the above options.
Oddly enough, I would not be so worried if it wasn’t the dead of winter. Dead of winter. This is a most apt term, but I hope in this case not applicable to the situation.
Fortunately, I have other things that I can think about. Today Pete went with me to the hotel and with Robert, the BLBP President, went over the 2024 BLBP budget. I can’t believe that my saving a few books has led to our having a budget. It’s small, but wiry.
I now understand what our consultant indicated, which is that in order to get that much coveted it’s out there somewhere site, that we are going to have to have revenue sources. When finally, we are occupying the much coveted it’s out there somewhat site, we’ll have to have a revenue stream.
It’s all a lot to think about, that’s for sure.
Next: 5. 1/5/25: Tyra’s Big Day |