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January 11, 2025 Eating Late, Again

Tonight we are having rice and beans. We will eat our meal at 10:30 p.m. Most people eat their meals at 5, 6, or 7 p.m.; then they go into their living rooms and watch Netflix. Pete and I, after eating, will finish the evening chores then go to bed. We will do the dishes. Pete will post this dispatch. Pete will water, feed, and check in on the horses. I do not think that tonight he’ll take the dogs for a walk although he might.

Pete’s knee is still hurting him. He’s still getting physical therapy sessions at Body and Balance, which may influence his decision-making process.

Me, my left and right hips are still problematic. I’m still getting physical therapy sessions at Body and Balance, which influence my decision-making process.

It was yet another long day. It began at 1 p.m. with Pete and me sorting and categorizing the nonfiction. Robert joined us at 2 p.m. He and Pete busted down boxes and took them and discarded books to the recycling center. Me, I put books in their rightful place all afternoon. I also packed up the suitcases that I’ll be taking with me on Wednesday to Mt. Village and Bethel.

I’m not looking forward to going to these places because this is going to be a disruption of routine. Lately I’ve been a creature of habit. To be thinking outside the box is a good thing. Inside the box, nothing changes.

I like it – thinking outside the box. I should use this as a chapter title when I resume working on Shelf Life.

This morning, Pete and I had a mid-morning meeting in which we planned for a late afternoon meeting with Robert. Then Pete, Robert, and I had a late afternoon meeting in which we planned for Tuesday’s meeting with the BLBP Board members. Not a whole lot comes of these meetings. However, it’s fun to sit down and socialize.

After all this this and that, I had Pete drop me off at the MTA Hockey Rink where I’d been told that there would be a fundraiser for Kid’s Kupboard. There was also to be a series of hockey games, involving skaters age eight to seventeen.

Fortunately, I ran into friends there. First Melina, who used to be the BLBP Board President, then Kathy who is the MTA Events Center BLBP bookcase guardian, and after, Pam Meekin, who used to be the Alaska State Fair vendor and exhibit coordinator. I spent a better part of the evening walking around and talking to these friends, and the rest of the time watching the hockey players play hockey.

I was impressed with the youngers, and how fast and agile they appeared to be. And they did not seem to tire. There was one game in which the youngers played hockey with the olders. The olders, maybe remembering their own experiences, included the youngers in on the game. I had never before seen a hockey game, so I was impressed with what I saw. I’ll go back and again be a spectator. I also want to skate, and soon.

Next: 12. 1/12/25: Surf’s Up

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