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March 24, 2024: On The Homefront

Today was the big day off. Correction. Today was a day in which I did not have to go anywhere. I enjoy not going anywhere – I seem to have more time to get whatever it is I have to, done.

I still had to work, and I ended up putting in about eight hours. I often say to Pete, that the BLBP board members have no idea as to what it takes to keep things going on the administrative end.

I drew these board members a tip of the Iceberg drawing, and said the narrow topmost portion represented the work done at the workplace, that is the former banquet room of the historic Eagle Hotel, and the bottommost portion represented the work done at home. I thought that the drawing and my explanation were comprehensible, but I think not. Otherwise, they would out of the generosity of their hearts, offer to give us an assist.

Self Portait

No administrative assistance has been forthcoming. Out of the generosity of one’s heart means for gratis. Most are focused on earning money. No money has been forthcoming.

I won’t allow myself to spend much time thinking about this, for this could topple the deck of a very good project. Rather, I just keep reminding myself that change is a constant and that in time, I won’t have to do as much. And too, I might draw a paycheck.

Drawing a paycheck is like drawing a blank only the paycheck, which has boundaries, is square. And there are presidents’ faces on the bills. Imagine that. I think that there was for a while a Susan B. Anthony dollar coin, but it never gained currency in the minds of the American public. Har har.

So today we started out with Pete working on the business plan and me working on the Baja Sun tricycle grant. The business plan, when complete, was 27 pages. The Baja Sun tricycle grant, when complete, was eight pages.

I thought yesterday that I was done with the Baja Sun tricycle grant. I found out today that I was not. This was much to my dismay. I sighed upon realizing this, and then entered the zone. I have learned that I can enter the zone when working on informational writing. I stopped working at noon, shortly before Pete stopped working. After lunch, we switched places, and he read the Baja Sun tricycle grant and I read the BLBP Business Plan, both of us making minor revisionary and major copy-editing changes as we plunketed along.

Plunketed, this may be a word that I just came up with. I hope that I get a gold star for this.

We traded places, both at the same time, then called it good.

I never thought that I’d enjoy living with another writer. The one saving grace of the situation is that Pete is a technical writer, and I am a creative writer. Lately, it’s felt as though the two intersecting sets are a little too close. I am a better person for having done technical writing. Pete is a lesser person for never having done any creative writing.

Next: 83. 3/25/24: Finally

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