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March 11, 2024: A Conversation with Hrimfara

The following conversation took place as we were walking around our neighborhood loop.

Alys: Hrimmi, is it good to be out?
Hrimmi: You gave the three of us hay, then put the halter on me. I wish that you’d waited for me to finish my meal.
A: This was the day’s second helping of hay.
H: I had the first helping. I was still hungry. Couldn’t you have done something else for a while so that I might, along with the others, eat this second breakfast.
A: The sooner you get moving, the sooner you’ll get back here. The longer you take, the less hay will be on hand when we get back.
H: Why don’t you take Tyra or Raudi out?
A: I’m taking them individually out, after you.
H: How about next time, I go out last?
A: Deal.
H: So we’re going around the loop, right?
A: Right.

H: Did you bring treats?
A: Yes.
H: May I have some?
A: You have to earn them.
H: What do you want me to do?
A: Removing and dropping her glove on the ground—I want you to pick it up.
H: Pick what up?
A: The glove.
H: What’s a glove?
 A That thing on the ground is a glove.
H: Why did you drop it on the ground?
A: So that you might pick it up and hand it to me.
H: Why don’t you pick it up yourself?
A: Because I want you to do this for me.
H: Is this a stupid pony trick?
A: No. It’s a stupid horse trick.
H: Well, I’m a pony.
A: Not really. In Iceland they don’t have a word for pony. Just horse. It’s Hestar.
H: Oh.
A: And in Iceland, they call horse people Hestafolk.
H: They have horse people there? How many legs do they have? And what do they eat?
A: Horse people refers to those who like horses.
H: You look like a person, not a horse.
A: Uhh, I have a fat ass.
H: Are you saying horses have fat asses?
A: Some do, some don’t.
H: I thought an ass was a donkey.
A: Was and still is.
H: Okay. So the glove is on the ground.
A: And it’s getting cold and will be cold when I put it on my hand.
Hrimmi picks up the glove.
A: Now hand it to me.
Hrimmi hands the glove to Alys.
A: Good girl. For that you get a packer pellet.
H: I should get two.
A: No, just one. I don’t have that many.
H: How come?
A: I didn’t think to grab more.
H: And you want me to do what you ask?
A: You should want to do what you are being asked to do.
H: It doesn’t work this way.
A: Okay. I have again dropped the glove. I am going to step forward and I want you to hand it to me.
Hrimmi picks up the glove, walks over to Alys, and drops it in her hand.
A: Thank you.
H: I think I should get three treats for that.
A: And I think you should get just two. Be thankful for what you get.

Next: 70. 3/12/24: Book Blurbs

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