There. I’m off to a good start. I like producing metanarratives.
A fairly good day. We had a 2.5 hour BLBP board meeting today, and I realize that I’m becoming a whiner, which is not befitting of someone in a leadership position. I am going to have to focus on projecting a more positive persona, and quit griping about the long hours and low pay. Otherwise, the deck of cards that’s this project is going to collapse.
It is a lot of weight to have on my overly slouched shoulders. I have to abandon that idea, too. Maybe my BLBP mantra should be, “It’s all good, good, good, good.” This mantra then should also bring examples to mind. One would be the fact that the woman’s shelter in Unalaska sent us six boxes of books. This is a switch from us sending books to other parts of the state. I am going to give them to Alaska Family Services this week. This is a matter of keeping books in circulation. This was their second contribution.
Late this afternoon I took Tyra and Raudi for their respective walks. Tyra and I saw three moose. Raudi and I didn’t see any.
Tonight I finished my article for the People’s Paper, a local community-based newspaper. It’s one that prides itself on not paying its writers. Still, I write and submit my 800 word articles to them before the 10th of the month deadline. And always, I put time and care into my work. This month I wrote Part II of my Leap into Literacy series. My goal, in Part I and Part II was to further broaden the definition of literacy. These two articles will be a template for another document that I’ll be working on. As we’ve been told, in order to get grants for the purchase of land, we’re going to need to make a literacy-based justification. So what I’ve just finished is going to do double duty.
After I finish writing this dispatch, I’m going to resume work on what I’m calling my small potatoes grant. (There’s a cartoon in this, I am sure.) This is going to be a request for funding for the tricycle bicycle. Time’s a wasting. I need to get to work.
Next: 68. 3/10/24: The Bacon Family Returns |