Jenn does education/literacy related work. She telecommutes – had already had one online meeting and had another after meeting with me. Her workday must have begun at 7 a.m. My having an 8:30 a.m. phone conversation with her made for a fragmented start to the day. I got up and out the door (to tend to the animals) at 7:30 a.m., and when I got back inside I had just a few minutes to eat my breakfast. I don’t like having my meal interrupted.
A good meeting about what literacy related activities “we” might pursue. Her ideas were excellent, but for now all I can do is make note of them. The proverbial plate is beyond full. So right now, being in the information gathering stage is an okay thing.
I next went to the Palmer Senior Center. The books that I brought along today were well received by a small number of people. And I talked with a woman, named Sue, about getting books to those who live in nearby housing but don’t come to the center at the noon hour. She also said that we might get a reading group together. I got in the commodities line and got three packages of clams. Tonight, Pete is making clam chowder.
I then went to the MTA Events arena and checked out the new bookcase. Oh Oh. The bookcase there was missing a shelf, and the shelves were a mess. Also, no signage. I must do something about this because this was a bookcase that was okayed by the municipality of Palmer.
Yikes. On to the former banquet room of the historic Eagle Hotel. Tuesdays are days that we have a lot of volunteers. These days all go well. This was a particularly good day. I got Robert’s books ready for distribution, got Sebastian cleaning hardcovered nonfiction, got Lois preparing the outgoing books for the Mat-Su Reads group, and talked with Robert about the land acquisition. A serendipitous moment; as I was talking with him, Tom, our realtor, came in the door with more information about the site, so he, Robert, Sebastian, and I went over it.
I think I sold Robert on going for what is risk taking venture. It helped that he and Tom got along.
Robert and I decided to check out the property; beforehand, we talked with Lois who was preparing the outgoing Mat-Su books for distribution. As Lois talked, I realized that she knows more about teaching reading than any of us. I need to get grant funding so we can keep her.
Lastly, Robert and I walked around the lot. It was windy and rainy, terrible weather. But I felt the site still had wonderful ambiance. Fingers crossed, as verily unto us we shall proceed.
Next: 50. 2/21/24: Let There be Light |