Alys: Hrimmi, you keep stopping. What’s the matter.
Hrimmi: I would like another treat.
A: Get along little doggie.
H: Please.
A: Move.
H: Please.
A: I don’t want to use the crop on you.
H: I don’t want you to use it either.
A: We agree. Get moving.
H: No.
A: You are pissing me off.
H: Well then, give me a treat.
H: No.
A: If you don’t move, I will start to sing.
H: No. |
Hrimmi moving in direction of target
A: I will sing the ants song.
H: No, not the ants song.
A: It’s on the list of Alys’s Greatest Hits.
H: Right up there with This Old Man.
A: You got it. Now get moving.
H: I have a wonderful idea.
A: What is it?
H: Let’s turn around and go back home.
A: Why?
H: I didn’t eat all the hay at the hitching post.
A: I left it there for a reason.
H: Is that reason Tyra?
A: No.
H: Is that reason Raudi?
A: No.
H: Well, what’s the reason?
A: So you’d have hay when we get back.
H: Where did Shadow go?
A: I hope that she went to check something out in the woods.
H: How come you didn’t bring Ryder?
A: Because it’s difficult, walking a horse and two dogs to the trail head.
H: Why did you bring Shadow and not Ryder?
A: You are trying to distract me. Giddy Up.
H: What does Giddy Up mean?
A: You know this.
H: I do not.
A: It means go.
H: What is the origin of this word?
A: I don’t know. Ask Tyra. She’ll know.
H: Tyra knows just about everything.
A: Just about.
H: What doesn’t she know?
A: She doesn’t know why her poop gets runny and she gets the splats.
H: Yes, this has her mystified. Lately she’s been better.
A: Your poop and Raudi’s poop has been looking good.
H: Consistently.
A: It’s time to get a move on.
H: Nice view from here, of the mountains.
A: Nice view. But it’s time to move on. Look. The longer we stay put, the longer the amount of time it’s going to take to get home.
H: Can we take the short way home?
A: There is no short way. We are now at the half-way point of this ride.
H: Yes, there is a short way.
A: Well then, go for it.
H: Only if you give me a treat.
A: If I give you a treat you will go a short ways and stop again.
H: No, I’ll keep moving.
A: How do I know this?
H: As Tyra would say, “You have my word.”
A: Nope. We’ve now been sitting here for ten minutes.
H: How do you know it’s been ten minutes? It might be nine or eleven minutes.
A: My sister gave me a watch for Christmas.
H: Does it work?
A: Yes.
H: Very well.
A: Let’s go.
H: Thank you.
Next: 353. 12/27/24: Pete Feeds the Chickens