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February 4, 2024: Snow, finally

I am okay with snowy weather. I am less okay with cold weather. I am completely not okay with wind.

Now the temperature has risen, and with this has come snow. The snow has returned. Son of Snow. Life for the yeti must be unbearable, no pun intended. All the yeti does is walk around, barefooted, in the snow, day in and day out. Sort of like Frankenstein, who also covered a lot of ground.

Hrimmi with her cart

I woke up with a slight headache. I didn’t have the energy to do much, so I hung out inside, puttering around until Pete went and got my computer. I didn’t feel like driving in the snow with a headache. This would have been a double whammy. Makes me wonder if those drivers who have hangovers are as dangerous as those who are drunk.

It’s good that the era of the horse drawn carriage is over because I’m sure those horses were not treated too kindly. It is not a problem giving a car a good solid kick or thump on the hood now and then because cars are inanimate objects.

I hooked up my computer and answered a few emails; then I took Hrimmi and Tyra for their respective walks. There were clearly defined tire tracks, so this was not a slog. The mares were glad to get out. We’ve taken the blankets off Tyra and Raudi – Hrimmi somehow managed to get her blanket all the way off the other day and we did not put it back on her. Tyra and Raudi’s backs were dry and warm. Hrimmi has a very thick coat, so the cold did not seem to affect her.

Hrimmi so badly wants to pull a cart and/or sled.

More sunlight – this is what February, which in my language means, “the flip side of winter,” is all about.

A person can only swallow so much Vitamin D. And a person can only spend so much time under seasonal affective disorder lights. They don’t talk this way in Florida. They also don’t say, why do I live here? Except when it gets too hot or a hurricane is bearing down on them.

I have no problem with snowfall because, unlike cold, it does not make me uncomfortable. The worst part is when it’s -20˚ F and I have to take off my gloves in order to remove a horse halter. The fingers first hurt, then go numb, then hurt again.

Pete plowed today – this is something the guys around here do, near simultaneously. This is how they maintain what they see as order. I’m okay with this – just wonderous about the fact that they all seem to do this at the same time. It’s the 100th Monkey theory, a winter form of collective unconsciousness, or is it collective consciousness?

It’s also called group think. I like the monkey analogy because I can see us all going for the ripest bananas.

Sastrugi the goat is in season. We aren’t going to breed her this time around. I hope we do this the next time around.

Next: 36. 2/5/24: Musings on the Daily Weather Report

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