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December 22, 2024 Staring Out into Space

I should be outside, instead of staring at my computer screen. I am tired; hence, I am giving my eyeballs a chance to relax. I was at the computer most of the day. I decided early on to go onto eBay and check the prices of books. Some are going to be listed, and some will be put on shelves. The determining criteria was the price; below $30.00 it will be shelved. Above $30.00 and it will be put up for bid. Some books I deemed as being priceless, so they are staying put.

Am I a book hoarder? I think not. I just don’t have enough bookcases. Those with bookcases are not called hoarders. Those who have books in cardboard boxes that they have to step around are hoarders. This is not even subjective.

I worked all morning on figuring out what to do with the books on the living room shelf. Then at noon, I went outside and with Pete, got Raudi and Tyra ready for a ride. We haven’t had much snow, so the trails were open. It was overcast, the temperature was around 30˚ F.

Once again, I was amazed at how well the horses did. Tyra was out front. Pete said that she was go-ey. That’s like gooey. She moved right out at a fast clip but remained in control. Raudi followed and cantered nicely. She did go faster when Tyra picked up the pace. Now if they’d been allowed, both would have run all our trails. We did ask for them to walk at times, and they complied. I was actually proud of them both. Now they are simply good riding horses.

We met our new neighbor, Glenn, the one who with his family purchased Jim’s Place. This was on Jim’s Road. He was going to fill his water jugs at Jim’s Creek. I told him that this is where the family spread Jim’s ashes. Once you start to gossip, you are no longer a newcomer. Glenn speculated as to why there was so much traffic at odd hours at Idiot Boy’s place – could be, I said that the place is a meth lab. Either that or a drug pick-up place. This, I think, has to do with karma – Idiot Boy was a rude dude with a host of problems. Interesting, to live in a place, and over time, become historians.

After, I took Hrimmi for a walk around the loop. We saw a moose when we were on the upper road, down on Kirby’s property. I didn’t think that it would continue across the lower road but it along with her two babies did so. Hrimmi and I were lucky in that they crossed the road behind us.

Right now, because there is so little snow, the moose are able to cover a lot of ground and get at more forage. This is the one advantage of climate change.

Hrimmi so badly wants to be a cart horse. I must find a way to oblige.

Next: 349. 12/23/24: The Mood-o-Meter

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