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December 19, 2024: Heave ho ho

My cold is now history. It lasted longer than any previous cold that I have had. I think that it may have transmogrified into bronchitis or pneumonia. The coughing, oh the coughing – I’d close my eyes and see yellow lines run across both eyes.

Pete had physical therapy, early, and I had left my car at the hotel, so I went in with him. I like working at the hotel in the mornings. It’s quiet. Peaceful. There are no people-related demands on my time. Today a woman, about 50, missing teeth, and wearing a blue surgical top, came to the rear door and asked me if I’d call her a cab. I said no. She looked surprised. I instead gave her an alternative, which was to go to restaurant and ask someone there.

Alys Tyra Shadow

Yeah, I should have taken out my phone and made The Call. I just didn’t want to be bothered, which most likely will come back and bite me in the ass.

I don’t seem to have much energy, still. I think that this has some to do with the absence of light. Today, after cleaning Tyra’s frozen splats (stuck to her butt and tail, clumps), and cleaning the pen, I took her for a walk. She has considerable energy, so whatever it is that’s wrong with her is not taking it out of her. The walk did energize me.

I also went to the pool and did hydrotherapy. The exercises are easy and very, very simple, which always leaves me suspect. The limited exertion has me wondering if I should somehow amp it up, but there is no way of doing this when simply walking, moving sideways, or doing squats in the pool. And I do feel self-conscious, doing the exercises that I feel are meant for those in their nineties.

I finished the swim and got in the hot tub. It feels good for about 30 seconds, maybe a minute. The water isn’t hot enough. And I am happiest when there are no other people in the water. Today there was a lengthy discussion between two older people, one was a woman, about how well the Green Bay Packers are doing. I did not butt in and say what I think about this rather violent sport, which is one where head injuries are common. Oh no. This is because I am a public figure and therefore need to keep my mouth shut.

I did not go back to the hotel. Instead, I came home and as I previously mentioned, cleaned up after, and cleaned up a horse.

Oh, yesterday I spoke with Holly, my physical therapist, and asked her if she, who works 10 hour days four days a week, if she had struck a balance between her home and work lives. She said no, and then added that she doesn’t think this is possible.

I wonder how I ended up in this predicament. Even the person who runs the bookstore at VCRS gets paid. And she is very, very part time. Will wonders ever cease. I don’t think so. Wonders are the gift that keeps on giving.

Next: 346. 12/20/24: Seeing the Light

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