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November 29, 2024: Priorities

Thought embodies itself in language. This is why I am now telling anyone and everyone who will listen that these days, I’m very productive. This word is replacing the word busy. A person can be busy doing just about anything, so the corresponding images are vague. The term productive, people will then picture someone doing something meaningful, like har har getting books into the hands of appreciative readers.

I still have a cold. It could be bronchitis, which is an inflammation of the bronchioles in the lungs. I had a few major coughing fits last night – the sputum in my lungs had ceased to move – coughing, then, moves the material up and out. I knew this, which is why I did not take any cough syrup. Earlier, I tested for Covid. I suspected that I didn’t have this, and I was right. I have a common cold.

I went about my day today, doing what needed to be done. My energy level was a tad bit higher than yesterday, although what had come to reside in my lungs did seem to settle in for the duration.


I did my job. I don’t know if my not being paid for it means that it isn’t a job. I’m confused about this and most likely will remain confused. I went to Sutton and dropped off fliers for the upcoming quilt and book silent auction. The Sutton Public Library was closed, so I put a flier in the drop box. (Oh, clever me).

I next went to town and dropped off fliers at a local consignment shop and at Kombucha, a young person fermented beverage drinking establishment. After doing this, I went to the hotel and grabbed the books that were destined for Alaska Family Services. Alas, they were closed. Then I came home.

It was still light out, so I first took Hrimmi and then Raudi for a walk. Both times I took Shadow with me. Again, the sun was low in the sky, and the shadows long. It was also a bit warmer than yesterday.

Now, on these walks, I had time to think. I groused for a bit about my heavy workload. I have way too much to do, even for someone who is getting paid. (Notice that I left the word job out of the previous sentence). I finally came up with schedule modification, one that I am going to work hard to adhere to.

I’m going to limit the number of days in which I go to the hotel, as do the other BLBP board members. I am only going to go into the hotel on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, the latter if needed. This means that I’ll have three days a week to spend at home. I’ll be able to work on project administrativa and also on Shelf Life.

I worked on Shelf Life yesterday for about four hours and made considerable progress. I am procrastinating now, by writing this dispatch first, but I decided that I’m going to work for an hour each day on it. I feel good about this decision, and so will my animals.

Next: 326. 11/30/24: Could it be?

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