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September 8, 2024: Standing Tall

I am again working at my standing desk, which is a bookcase with a platform for the computer. The platform has a light underneath, so I can see the keyboard. Clever Pete, he designed it.

I had been working at the kitchen table. This is Pete’s domain – he makes a lot of noise when cooking and cleaning. And he likes to listen to news and music. I can handle the music, but the news is generally too depressing.

I was working at the kitchen table because my back was feeling fatigued. Also, I have to sit when my hip seizes up. I will get an MRI, but I don’t feel a sense of urgency about this because the condition is so intermittent.

I worked at home today. I got the Bishop’s Attic II grant far enough along so as to pass on to Pete, who worked on it for a while and finally called it done. So in the next few days, I will take a printed copy over to the thrift store, and the board can have at it. Bishop’s Attic II, which is located kitty corner to the historic Eagle Hotel, has far more money than the Palmer Community Foundation, so the odds are good that we’ll get funding for a rent, office supplies, and literacy supplies.

I cleaned up some upstairs, then took the dogs for a walk in the rain. I then picked raspberries. I then came inside and fixed my hearing aids. I had not done this previously because of a lack of time. I wonder if I might be a good candidate for cochlear implants.

I didn’t ride the horses because of the inclement weather. If the sun is shining tomorrow, I will come home right after my 3:15 chiropractor appointment and go riding. If it’s raining, I’ll be a good girl and go back to work. I have to resume getting books ready to send to villages.

It is very odd to have this job and not be getting paid to do it. After all, it has all the trappings of a real job, pay excepted. And how do I feel about this? Another I will never . . . bites the dust. I used to say that I’d never work as a volunteer – I’m now working as a volunteer. Imagine that.

It seemed like I had more time today to get done what needed to get done. Pete did make the astute observation that my commuting to and from the Eagle Hotel takes an hour a day. That’s seven hours a week, and 30 hours (on average) a month. And that’s 365 hours a year. Ouch.

I fell asleep when I worked at the kitchen table. It is harder to fall asleep while working at my standing desk. But I just did it. I jerked awake and my feet spread far apart.

Hunting season is going by fast. I hate to wish September away, but what’s an environmentalist to do?

Next: 245. 9/9/24: Another Long Day

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