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September 4, 2024: Fall Colors

There was once a racehorse named Winning Colors. She won the Kentucky Derby. I’d like to have a racehorse called Fall Colors. Maybe someone previously thought of this.

The leaves are turning color now. Just yellow, although when I was out on Raudi today, the ground vegetation was various shades of yellow, red, and orange. If, say, the sun had been shining, or setting it would have been pretty spectacular out there.

Ryder just ran past to greet Pete – the raspberry picking bucket was around his neck. Clang, clang, clang.

Had the orthopedic exam today. The good news came in a single sentence, as Pete, the orthopedic specialist, and I looked at four x-ray images of my hip. He said, “There is not bone on bone.” I then replied, “This mean I don’t need a hip replacement, right?” “Right,” he said, adding that he thinks I have arthritis.

Alys walking on Jim's road with Raudi and Ryde

The bad news is that we still don’t know what the problem is. I seem to be going for longer lengths of time without the hip seizing, which is encouraging. I told him this. He suggested that I get an MRI and a cortisone shot. The cortisone shot would quell the pain, which would then indicate that, yes, the problem is in the hip.

My thinking is that the pain is too intermittent for this to work. So I will get an MRI, which will tell us more (we hope) that we want to know. And also, six visits with a physical therapist – the best, of course, that Palmer, Alaska has to offer.

Not coincidently, right after this appointment, I got my swimming act together. I found a swim cap at Fred Meyers and also goggles. I had purchased the suit from L.L. Bean, and it (amazingly) fit. I found the pool site – throwing in of course a few wrong turns. Fortunately, it is not far from the historic Eagle Hotel, and I don’t have to go through roundabouts to get there.

I got a monthly pass and went for a swim, if you want to call it that. I call it fun based hydrotherapy. I treaded water, I ran laps, and I played with the foam board, first kneeling on it, and then standing on it. I had the lane to myself almost to the end.

Now if there was someone who wished to teach me to swim, I’d go for it. However, I’m quite content, coming up with my own exercise routine. Perhaps in a previous life, I was a synchronized swimmer. Not this life.

The lifeguards, and there were three there because it is senior swim time; they kept a very close eye on me. I don’t have them fooled – they know a non-swimmer when they see one. And in their minds, it’s a great day when they do a rescue. I suppose, if the hip seized up, I might need an assist, but I don’t think that this is going to happen.

I’m optimistic – the hip is heeling. I keep it on a leash.

Next: 241. 9/5/24: Breathe in, Breathe Out

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