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August 28, 2024: End of Summer, Beginning of Fall

There are spotty yellow bunches of leaves amidst the darker green foliage. More and more, spring and the appearance of the leaves on the trees is a sign of rebirth to me; conversely, I get depressed when fall, a sign of death, appears.

I remember this past May how glad I was to see the buds on the trees appear, as well, the birds. The non-resident birds are now gone.

Yesterday, like today, I rode all three horses. It’s not easy to sing because I am urging them to move along a bit more quickly. Tyra, she moves out some, so I sing the most when I ride her.

Cow and calf in backyard

Both days, good weather – I am not going to again bypass riding on a nice day.

It’s the verge of Labor Day weekend, and there are going to be even more hunters than there are now, going up and down the roads, and out on the trails. Then, at September’s end, they’ll go home, either with or without a moose. I suspect most likely without a moose since the moose hear and see them coming. Moose, contrary to popular belief, are not stupid. They look like something that God put together on the 8th day of creating the world – he took the left-over parts because he was not a wasteful God when he made this very odd creature. I do not think that he meant for moose to be slaughtered, en masse, by hunters.

I pause. Such a beautiful day, sunny and temperatures in the 50s. I rode later in the day. This was not intended. I made a mistake, my orthopedic appointment was yesterday. Most places usually call the day before. Not this outfit. The receptionist was sitting at her computer – she had spilled coffee on her keyboard and was putting the keys back. This got me to wondering if this is the best place for the type of healthcare that I’m needing.

I had time, so I went to the Palmer Senior Center and put out books, then worked on matting prints with Cathy. After, I distributed books, then made a huge mistake. Instead of going home, which was what I should have done, I screened and sorted books. This took a while.

I am at the same time going to strive to find the up to now illusive balance between my horse and home life and my book project life. Oh well. I rode yesterday and today, all three horses and this is what, right now, is giving me a sense of self satisfaction.

Next: 235. 8/30/24: Memories Pile Up

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