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August 24, 2025: Hunting Season

Tomorrow is the first day of hunting season in Game Management Unit 14 A. This is our area, and it extends in multiple directions. It’s the size of Long Island.

I wish that we could do a reverse logic thing and hand over our guns and rifles and whatnot to the animals that we routinely hunt. The problem is, these animals have no interest in taking us out. They in fact just want to be left alone. They do defend themselves, but we humans always get the upper hand.

It was overcast this morning – and by the time we got to our destination, the red gate area of the Alaska State Fair, the sky was spitting.

Some of the books in the Tiny Town/Tater Tot area were damp. This particular newspaper box is now past its prime and is leaking. It’s the one that was painted by the children of Sutton at the library. I don’t know what we’ll do with it. Right now, we are continuing to stock it with children’s paperback books.

So Robert, Pam, Pete, and I assembled at the red gate area – Kid’s Kupboard is on one side of the road, and Tiny Town is on the other. The newspaper box is in the Tiny Town area.

Passing out books is my least favorite BLBP activity. But I did it and encouraged the others to do the same. And yes, I had a highly visible sign on hand. Like yesterday, I didn’t have much time to work on this sign, but somehow I managed to get it done – in between eating breakfast and driving to the hotel.

The high point of the day, week, month, year was zoning in on a woman with purple hair. She was reading a copy of Good Night I-pad, which is a parody of Good Night Moon. She was reading with considerable enthusiasm and alacrity. I told one of her friends that this is the first time I’ve ever seen an adult read a book to an adult. He nodded when I said this.

No story time today at the Kid’s Kuboard barn. We did do story time at the Mat-Su College cabin. Pam, wearing Mickey Mouse ears, read three books, one of which was our standby, the Wonky Donkey. Me, I read a book about a little girl who wakes up one morning and discovers that she has antlers. I had one audience member for this.

Pete spent his story time out in the road, waving the sign that I made. I joined him. We didn’t get a huge response to our effort; rather, there were just enough children to justify doing what we were doing.

After doing this, Pete and I distributed books. Then, after doing distributing, Pete and I went to Raven Hall and met up with Mike M. who is the founder of Big Cabbage Radio. He said that he’ll interview us tomorrow, between one and five p.m.

I thought, huh, what does one wear to a radio interview? I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a female presidential candidate – the era of Mary Todd, the wife of President Abe Lincoln, is long gone.

Next: 232. 8/25/24: Away we Go

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